Monday, November 17, 2008

Never fear- I am still alive!!!

Let me see- where do I begin? This last week and a half have been absolutely crazy. Non stop, on the run, ups and downs- just plain old crazy. So much has been happening with our adoption of the fabulous five. I wish I could share more details, but because my blog is now public and because our kiddo's are foster children there is just so much that I cannot put on here in order to protect their privacy. Unfortunately,this includes their pictures- which is so hard for me because can I just tell you they are absolutely beautiful! All five of them- simply precious. So, you will just have to take my word for it for not that's all. :0)
So last Wednesday my awesome friend Kellie ( You are THE BEST KELLIE- THANK YOU!!) came and took care of our five school aged kiddo's while Todd and I loaded up the car, along with Aleigha and Kaden, and traveled about 4 hours away to meet the fabulous five. While we were gone for 2 nights in a hotel my INCREDIBLE church family came and painted 3 bedrooms (we are playing musical bedrooms at our house) and put together the new bunk beds. Now that I will show you pictures of just as soon as I take some and download them...but for now, once again you will have to trust me- it looks FABULOUS. There are just no words to explain how blessed Todd and I feel to be surrounded by such amazing friends. Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts- you have no idea how grateful we are for your help. We love you all.
Thursday morning we got to meet all five of our new kiddo's. They are in 3 separate foster homes so a lot had to be arranged. We went armed with teddy bears and lollipops to help break the ice. Jayla and Lainey were both very outgoing- came right to us. Kai and Jace however kept a safe distance and took some time to warm up to us. Baby Isabella went right into my arms and acted like she had known us her entire life. She never cried once. Not once. Unbelievable. We spent some time together at the girls foster families home and then were able to take them back to the hotel with us for an overnight. Bless their hearts- I cannot image how scared they must have been with complete strangers who called themselves mommy and daddy. We came in, took them from their home, loaded them into our vehicle and took them to a new place and they had no choice but to go with us. I kept telling them how brave they were and how proud I was of them. I told them it was okay to be sad or afraid- that it was okay to feel any way they wanted to feel. We hugged and talked, laughed and cried, and got to know these precious children who would soon be ours forever.
In a perfect world none of this would happen... in a perfect world adoption would not exist. While I know Todd and I are blessed to get to raise these amazingly brave, beautiful children- my heart cannot help but to ache for all they have been through- the changes, the unknowns, and the loss. I pray that the Lord gives me what it takes to be the best mommy I can to these children. I pray I have what it takes to help heal their hearts and restore their faith. I pray that one day they will realize how God himself led us to them... how all along, even in the darkest hours He was watching over them... How all along He had a plan for their lives... I am just so thankful it involved me. :0)


Anonymous said...


I feel honored to be apart of something so big... even if it was just painting a few walls and moving some furniture. You and Todd are such an inspiration to me. I can't wait to meet the FAB FIVE. I will be seeing Sunday the 30th. I told Lee that we would come home Sunday instead of Saturday, because I have to meet these babies.

Angela :-) said...

Yay! That's so exciting! I continue to hope & pray that some day we are in that position with some kiddos that are meant to be ours.

Angela :-)

Anonymous said...

Exactly how big is your house and who are you planning on having share a room? You have so many ages, I'm curious to know your plan for fitting them in together! :) I feel that you and your beautiful family are doing a WONDERFUL thing and I too hope someday that I will be able to do the same as well.

Anonymous said...

Exactly how big is your house and who are you planning on having share a room? You have so many ages, I'm curious to know your plan for fitting them in together! :) I feel that you and your beautiful family are doing a WONDERFUL thing and I too hope someday that I will be able to do the same as well.

Melinda said...

How amazing! I am so happy to hear you got to meet your new kids. It sounds like it went well. I can't imagine what they are going through and will continue to go through as they get to be a part of a new family. I know you are going to do an awesome job as their mom! God chose you to be their new mom and He never makes mistakes. I will continue to pray for their hearts. Pray that God is preparing them for their new family. Any word on when they might get to come home?

Candy said...

AWESOME POST...You so remind me of my Aunt Lana...she had two Bio Children and adopted 6 out of foster care in TX and is STILL fostering...YOU have the SAME HEART and WOW WOW WOW you amaze me.

Debbie T said...

Amy, I was just getting ready to email you to ask about your trip when I thought I'd check your blog first. I'm glad I did - sounds like your visit went really well! If anyone can be an awesome mommy to the fab five, it's you! I know that without doubt! You're an inspiration to me!! Hugs, DebbieT

Mary Ann said...


Andrea Hill said...

I had a feeling your were meeting your faboulous five (I like that name). What a blessing to have your friend help out and your church family. Praying and praying for you.

Sara said...

I am so happy for you that you got to meet your new kiddos. Praying for the adjustment for everyone. Continue trusting God through this time and enjoy every moment.

angie said...

Wow! I loved this post and hearing about meeting your new babies! It will be fun to eventually see what they look like! The Lord will give you the wisdom you need and He'll teach you what to say, and how to respond. You are doing His work!

Tessa said...

Amy, Your family inspires me so much. My husband and I are in the midst of adopting from the foster care system and we are so excited. I love reading about your journey!

darci said...

oh wow! awesome! :)