It is a sad, sad day in our house today... and trust me, Mr. Kaden has let his feelings be known. Today we said "Farewell to Mr. Pacifier". Mr. Pacifier has been a good and trusted friend- he was there to comfort my baby when he needed it most. But it's time to move on.
I actually liked Mr. Pacifier myself- he was kind of cute, quiet, and didn't ask for much. But I noticed that I had began to get annoyed with Mr. Pacifier because we would spend endless hours searching for him when he 'hid''. Often times we could accidentally leave him behind and our day was just not the same. So, while it breaks my heart to see my precious Kaden grieve- I know that my baby boy is turning into a big boy now and he can make it in this world alone- without the likes of Mr. Pacifier.
Good-bye Mr. Pacifier- may you rest in peace.
Now we can see your precious big boy smile Kaden:o)doreen
Hooray for becoming a big boy!! My sister, helped say good-bye to Mr. Pacifier when my kids went to spend the week with them when we moved!!
Adios, amigo. Mr. Pacifier, you have been a dear friend, but it's now time to move on. See you later, alligator. After while, crocodile. Til then, penguin.
Hi-I just found your blog through another I keep up with. Anyway, congratulations on your growing family and regarding your 'please pray before you vote' entry, I thought if you haven't seen it you should check out this blog and read the entry entitled 'Change' written by a co-pastor/pastor's wife with a large family of her own, this entry is awesome. Here is the link http://aplacecalledsimplicity.blogspot.com/2008/10/change.html
Hi I just found your blog through another I keep up with. Congratulations on your growing family. If you haven't ever read the following blog please check out this entry. After reading your 'pray long and hard...' entry I thought you could appreciate it, plus it's just a really awesome lady with a really awesome family.
Here is the link http://aplacecalledsimplicity.blogspot.com/2008/10/change.html
Oh Wow! Good job, big boy, Kaden! How is he doing without Mr. Pacifier? Did he sleep ok without it last night? Anticipating having to do the same thing here soon, too! Heather
That is adorable. Life is all about change- little Kaden is growing up! I've enjoyed following your journey.
no longer waiting on Greyson
Hope the transition is smooth....and that your big boy finds comfort in your sweet arms.
mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted
My friend emailed me a link to a site that has a publication on losing the binky (it is free, makes money by advertisements). I have not tried it yet because my son is only 6 months old, but I think I will try the method out when he is around 1. It is www.bye-bye-binky.com for anyone who is interrested. If you do, let me know your thoughts….Bella
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