Happy 18th birthday Travis. I am having such a hard time grasping the fact that my baby is now an adult. I can remember the day you were born like it was just yesterday… but what I didn’t know was how your presence in my life would shake me to the very core and change me from the inside out. How becoming your mother would make me see the world in such a different way. How things that I never cared about, never thought about before, would become so important to me. What I didn’t know was how looking into your eyes would make me desire to grow so much more, and become so much better than I was before you.. What I didn’t know before was that seeing your smile first thing in the morning would make my heart swell 15 times in size and bring me greater happiness than I had ever known. I am so proud of you my sweet, precious first born son. The things you stand for, the way you think through things before moving forward, the way you treat people, the example you are to your siblings, your peers, the Godly man you have become-still makes my heart swell 15 times it size. Thank you for these past 18 years- thank you for being just the way you are. God blessed me the day you were born and I could have never asked for more. I love you. Mom
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday from Noah, Eli, and Nandi...
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy 18th Birthday, Travis!!
from an adorable little baby to a handsome young man..
Have fun and have a Happy 18th Birthday!!! doreen
Happy 18th B-Day Travis!
Donnie, Rhonda & Walt
Grandpa and I are so proud of the fine young man Trav has become. I got tears in my eyes just looking at those pictures of you as a little guy. We love you much Trav. Happy 18th.
Gram Marcia
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