Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Best... Travis' Senior pictures

Sometimes it takes me awhile to get things right. Sometimes I envision God kicking back, crossing his arms, shaking his head and just waiting patiently for me to finally figure it out. I am sure if I were not so thick headed I could save myself a lot of time- or at least have a lot more time to be more productive. I am happy to announce that I think I am finally getting it right. You see, for the longest time I was so guilty of falling into the trap of believing I was a good mother if I could ‘give’ my kids everything. You know- the best. My kids needed the best because after all, they are my kids and I love them more than life itself. They are my perfect sweet babies and I WANT THE BEST FOR THEM. But what I finally get is that THE BEST doesn’t mean a hefty price tag or a name brand. The best means me providing for them in the best way that we can. Sometimes that may mean garage sale clothes, haircuts done by me and today- it was an outing with my son where I took his senior pictures. And you know what- we got the job done and had a great time. We made memories. Instead of me paying $500 (at least) that we didn’t have extra laying around- we made a day of it together- laughed, joked, shared a Sonic burger and a shake… but more importantly shared our time. We talked about college, girlfriends, our family, God, and life. I took his picture, saw every beautiful smile and was blow away by the fact that my son is going to be a Senior this year and how fast it has gone. I don’t know if others would consider Senior pictures taken by your mom ‘the best’ or even cool but my great friend Angel helped me finally ‘get it’ and I am so thankful I have. There is a quote I once heard that goes like this “Live simply so that others can simply live”. I get that now. I don’t have to spend tons of money to have the best, the biggest, the newest or the name brand. That doesn’t make me or anyone else any better. I need to be responsible with the time and resources God has provided us with and to live a life within our means. And that truly is THE BEST.


Melinda said...

Amy, you did a wonderful job. They are awesome! Of course it doesn't hurt that you have such a handsome subject to photograph. I just posted on my blog about not being very good at taking pictures, so any insight you have would be appreciated. I also at one time struggled with wanting to give my kids the best things. Thankfully God has shown me what is truly important and I couldn't be happier. In fact I will be off garage saling tomorrow morning.

Sara said...

Amen sister! I truly believe this. The pictures turned out great. Have a great senior year Travis:)

Anonymous said...

Amy, those are so, so good! Wow, Travis is such a nice looking young man! It sounds like you two had a very special day together! Thanks for sharing!

Debbie T said...

Amy, you did a great job with Travis' pictures! I really like the quote. Since we went to Guatemala together where my eyes were truly opened, I've been trying to live like that. Hugs, Debbie

Bingaling said...

What a great idea! I love that you took the photos yourself and made a day of it (and some great memories, too).

The photos are great - who needs a hefty pricetag?

Jenny said...

Hey....I want a Sonic Shake!!! Just kiddin'!!! LOVE THE PHOTOS! Travis looks like the young Elvis pics! STUD! Ha! Keep it up girl and I'm gonna have you do Syd's next year!!! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

These are every bit as good as an expensive photographer one would have been. But you also had a great subject to use. Your're a smart cookie to save all that money.


Michelle Riggs said...

Great pictures and a great quote. I am proud of you, Amy.