Sunday, April 27, 2008


I twisted my kids arms today and talked them into letting me take a couple of pictures of all of them together. No easy task getting all seven of them to smile at the same time! Aren't they cute though??


Jenny said...

AWWWWWW!!!! They're beautiful!!!!! Amazing task!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful set of kids....
You & Todd are so blessed...

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful set of kids....
You & Todd are so blessed...

Sara said...

Such a beautiful family!!

Live to love and laugh said...

What a gorgeous and happy looking family. God has blessed you so much.

Debbie T said...

Those are GREAT pictures, Amy! I just love the first one of them all holding hands down that awesome road - I just love that! You're a talented photographer!! Hugs, DebbieT

ellen said...

Cute doesn't even discribe them! They are a loving family :)

Michelle Riggs said...

Yeah more pictures. I loved them! Sami is still asking to meet her friend. :-)

Heather said...

I LOVE it!!! You did a great job of getting them ALL to look at the camera and smile together! Beautiful family! Heather

kim p said...

What a beautiful family, Amy! And what makes you all even more beautiful is your love and passion for the Lord!

Whitney said...

So precious! What gifts from the Lord!

Doreen said...

Kaden looks SO VERY HAPPY with his new borthers and sisters!!!Very precious pictures Amy!! doreen

Angel said...

Great pictures Amy!!! Love em. Angel