I truly love where we live… when we came house hunting a little over a year ago now, we were just so frustrated trying to find the right house for our family. Almost everything we could find that we could afford, was too small for our ever growing family. I kept praying and asking God to put us exactly where He wanted us to be- and I’d deal with the rest. Well, down at the very end of a long gravel road was where we found our safe haven. It was the only house out of the 100 that we looked at that both Todd and I thought 'this could be it'. Yet, once we stepped inside- we were so disappointed. It was definitely a fixer upper- the carpets were stained and really stinky, the walls were dirty and the kitchen was neon green with red counter tops. (Not kidding). Yet, we both knew this would be our new home. Today, after a year of hard work and ongoing construction-(as we can afford it) I THANK GOD for leading us down that gravel road to our new home. It may not be perfect, it may not be grand- but it is the perfect place for us to raise our children and make precious memories.
Lord, I ‘thought’ I needed more… but you knew exactly what I needed. I needed more of you… I was still fighting the idea that happiness is in materialistic things, I was confused and led astray by the world views of
success and you knew that Lord, you knew me, and you knew what was best.

Today as I took my children outside for a walk around our yard,
I saw you Lord - you were there, just as promised- and there is nothing else I desire more. I saw you in the eyes of my children, I saw you in their smiles. I saw you in the beautiful flowers and the still pond. Thank you for your presence in our home, our lives and our family. Thank you for providing this home for us, where we feel safe, loved, secure. A place where we can grow, and change-
a place where we can focus on you. Thank you for knowing exactly what I need.
Thank you.
Precious pictures...precious post. Hugs, DebbieT
It is amazing how God leads us to where we are suppose to be.....this chapter in your life is so perfect...doreen
It is amazing how God leads us to where we are suppose to be... this chapter in your life is so perfect...doreen
What a peaceful place to raise your family! I love it. Sweet pictures too!
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