Addisyn and Kallan are especially eager to be a part of our work in Guatemala. To help them feel involved we are having them work on their Spanish, pray for the orphans and helping in our fund raising efforts. We were also blessed to hear about a sweet older gentlemen who teaches guitar lessons for only $7.00 a half hour. So, they are learning to play now in hopes of being able to help lead worship once we get there.
Over the weekend I talked Addisyn into letting me take some pictures of her with her guitar. (Kallan is going to take a bit more bribing because for some odd reason he does not consider having a photo shoot fun~and I cannot for the life of me understand why). So for now I will leave you with these. :)

i don't know how i missed that you are moving to guatemala! wow! i haven't stopped thinking about it all night. i'm just in awe of you and your family's obedience.
will you be homeschooling your kiddos in guatemala or will they go to a nearby school?
i went to guatemala 10 years ago on a missions trip. beautiful, beautiful country.
LOVE it!
AWESOME pics ... and LOVE the whole family's heart for missions.
While I totally understand that you will miss the big kids when they stay in the States. If you didn't go on the mission field, the Lord would probably send them instead. So, you'd be apart anyways. :)
Carissa has been in Argentina for 3 years now. It's been over a year since we've seen her. We only hear from her once a month or so, as she doesn't even have internet where she is living. But, we know that she is doing what the Lord has called her to do. For this, we are thankful.
4 of our 6 big kids (in the past 9 years) have travelled to the following countries to minister for the Lord: Mexico, Costa Rica, Argentina, Chile, Haiti, Senegal, The Gambia, India, Bangladesh, Jordan, Germany, The Czech Republic. While we have missed them while they've been gone, we are THRILLED beyond belief that they are serving Jesus with their lives.
So glad that you all are following the dreams and passions that the Lord has placed on your hearts. (And, I might just have to come visit you when you get there.)
Love ya,
Laurel :)
Just plain beautful!
You know I'm loving these!!!! She is so beautiful inside out!!!
Hmmm a boy who doesn't like his photo taken??? REALLY?? What a surprise!
Hugs and love! So blessed by you!
Absolutely breathtaking!
Our family is praying for your family! Just wanted to tell you that two weeks ago we met with a couple who asked if we could speak with them about adoption. They are at the very beginning stages of thinking through adoption and making decisions. We had a wonderful conversation, and in the midst of the conversation the wife mentioned that she has been reading your blog. Your obedience to our Savior is having an impact on so many. Blessings to you all!
Keep up the awesome work! You're right on with going into missions as a family and not viewing it as "we're going and just bringing the kid's along." Though I myself am single in the field, it's very clear the beauty that comes when parents include the children vs when they just "bring the kids along."
Also, I would encourage Addisyn and Kallan to use guitar as a way of learning Spanish - many people have taken popular Christian songs and just changed the language which you can find pretty easily on youtube or other websites. There's something incredible about music and the power it has to radiate not just individuals but communities!
Beautiful photos! Beautiful girls :-)
Your family is beautiful inside and out. I am excited to follow and see the many ways God is and will be using you. You are an inspiration.
Thank you!
Great pics! Love them! Of course it makes it easy when you have gorgeous kids to work with! :)
We can't wait to have Addisyn and Kallan do our worship. Our church needs a pick me up in that department. :)
Awesome pictures!
The pictures are beautiful but knowing Addisyn's heart makes these that more priceless.
Thank you for living out loud!
So very excited for you in you next steps!!!! Praying for you and all the ways the Lord will use you :)
You are beautiful and these pictures make you look amazing. But more importantly I love that you are so full of beauty inside! Your movie star, Taylor Swift (prettier!) look pales in comparison to the amazing spirit you have and choose to share with others. I can't wait to see all that you will do in your life as you grow in Him. You are all around HOT girl!
Oh my goodness! Those are some BEAUTIFUL pictures!!!!
I love reading about your family as you are preparing to move and start this new adventure. I am praying for you!!
If they have a keyboard or piano, I can help with worship when i come!
Your heart is amazing! Your family is incredible! All of your love for God is inspiring! He is looking down at each one of you saying, "Well done my children! Well done!"
Beautiful! The first one is my favorite.
haha I think Addie and I would get along amazing. these shots are great and super excited to see that guitar coming out. ;o)
praying for you all!
Amy, Enjoy reading your blog. Check out this website recently created to help raise money for Missionary's. You can create your own page and keep people updated & it has a way for you to raise funds via the site. Kinda like a mission theme facebook :)
Rebekah D.
The pictures are BeUtIfUl but what makes this picture outstanding and gorgeous, is the girl smack in the middle who I look up to! :)
Amy...those photos are GORGEOUS! You did a great job. Love your family's heart for missions. Skype definitely helps when a child is far away. Our oldest is in Korea (army) and on Christmas morning, we set up the computer and Skyped him. He watched us open gifts, commented on them, etc. It was almost like having him here.
AMAZING pictures...
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