Growing up, most of my days were filled with just playing outside and using my imagination. We built forts, played in mud puddles and climbed trees. That is something you rarely see now a days and it really makes me sad. Being stuck inside these past few weeks due to the weather made me literally crave sunshine and I could tell my kids were feeling the same way. So today, we headed outside and I just sat back and watched them enjoy exploring the world and being kids. They climbed, ran, discovered and just enjoyed the simple things in life. It was beautiful. Thank you Lord for letting me be their mommy and thank you for the most incredible play ground in this world.

Ahhh...we are supposed to get in the 50s this week. Not super warm, bet way better than it's been & nice enough to get out for a bit. I cannot believe how big Havyn is getting...she's beginning to look like a little girl & not a baby!
oh how i love seeing photos of your children. havyn is so gorgeous! love that girl!
xoxo jill
This makes me remember our days back in upstate NY. We lived in the Adirondack Park and had miles and miles of trails all around us that we hiked often. The kids loved it outdoors. Now we live in a city and it is just not the same. Although, we are to be blessed with warm temps this week. I think that lots of outdoor play may just be in store. Thanks for reminding us of the simple pleasures in life.
Looks like they had a fun day.
I'm so jealous of your warm weather.
Beautiful shots! You must have had a warm and sunny day out.
Aren't you loving the change of weather??? After the two weeks of living in a freezer, I was very excited for this week's forecast! Glad you and the kids got to enjoy it.
made me cry this morning -I cant wait to see ALL of my children playing in the sunshine together!!
So beautiful! I love it.
I agree with you totally. My goal is to help get a playground in Uganda:
If you're interested :)
You have spoken the words straight from my heart. I am saddened every day that our children are forced to grow up so fast.
Happy tears in my eyes...It does something wonderful for my heart to see healthy, happy, at home kiddos!! Beatiful photos...
Amen!!! It is so true that so many children are robbed today of just being and just enjoying their childhood and the LORD’s creation. j
loves to you,
Cute kids, precious photos! Glad y'all got to enjoy a day outside too! I took my littlest sister to the park for a little while yesterday and she LOVED it. Two weeks of cold weather is too much for us southeners! ; )
Beautiful pictures! I'm jealous that you don't have to wear jackets.
This is such a hard time of year for me because of the snow and cold. Last week we were way below zero but thankfully we are in the 30s today.
I think I'll walk to pick Mya up from school today.
Last link. I wanted to send you this one:
I like to send you links: you listen and other people listen to you! :)
I hope that you're doing well and that you and your family are feeling happy and blessed!
Great thoughts!
Cute pics!
LOVE the pic of Havyn standing in the middle of the road, watching the big kids ride off on their bikes. It will be all too soon that she, too, will be heading down the street on her tricycle.
Hope your week is BLESSED!
Laurel :)
That is so true. I grew up just like that and look what has come of the children now here in this country. TV and games. Although mine aren't playing outside much because of all the rain, they are sure being raised the old fashioned way. Once again you captured some beautiful pics. LOVE the one back picture of Havyn.
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