More often than not the one thing that is holding a child back from being in a forever family is the cost.
And I really hate that.
But what I love is seeing family after family step out in faith and take that first step regardless of the cost. Regardless of the hard work. Regardless of how humbling it is to ask people for help.
Yet, despite how hard it is- what I love is how the Lord is able to use their fundraising experience to educate others along the way on adoption. And what I love is how lives are changed and touched through others being willing to do whatever it takes to bring a child home- because that child is worth it.
And I really hate that.
But what I love is seeing family after family step out in faith and take that first step regardless of the cost. Regardless of the hard work. Regardless of how humbling it is to ask people for help.
Yet, despite how hard it is- what I love is how the Lord is able to use their fundraising experience to educate others along the way on adoption. And what I love is how lives are changed and touched through others being willing to do whatever it takes to bring a child home- because that child is worth it.
So to all you families out there who are walking the fund raising road- I get it and I applaud you. Thank you for not letting the cost stop you. Thank you for having the faith to believe. Thank you for knowing that your child is worth it. Thank you for saying yes- despite not knowing how. And thank you for doing whatever it takes.
To those of you who know someone who is in the process of raising funds for their adoption I dare you to come along side of them and help. Brainstorm with them, pray over them, be a voice for them when the load becomes too much to bare. You may just be surprised at how God will bless you in the process.
So to those of you who are fundraising for your adoption please feel free to leave your link in the comments so that others can find you- and pray for you, support you and cheer you on. After all, we are all in this together. :)
I'll go first:
Check out http://expectingablessing.blogspot.com/ they are adopting from Taiwan and have an awesome auction going on!! SO SWEET!
And this precious family http://thorntonfamilyadoption.blogspot.com/ They are working hard to bring home a child from Africa- amazing people with amazing hearts!
Oh and this one- melts me! This big beautiful family is adopting a sibling group of FOUR from Ethiopia!! Let's support them in a big way for stepping out in faith and answer the call- times four!! http://theradicalripple.blogspot.com/
Another last I had to mention- sweet, sweet family http://ourlivesworksinprogress.blogspot.com/2011/01/our-adoption-fundraising.html They are doing all they can to raise the money to bring a child home. Let's help them out!!
Okay- now your turn- tell us who you are so we can pray for your family and cheer you on. Thanks for what you are doing- I know it isn't easy.
Thank you Amy for your encouragement! It is a long road...but it's SO worth it! :)
We are also working hard to bring our baby/ies home from Ethiopia. We are extremely excited and so humbled by all of the people who have come alongside us on this journey. Our blog is www.forthesakeofone.blogspot.com
Thank you SO much for the shout out!! I can't wait to get to know your readers as they head over to check out the auction :-)
Much love,
Future Mama
I'm in process to adopt a special needs child from Hong Kong. I have handmade necklaces for sale on our blog.
Through the 18th, people can buy Recycle Love shirts from http://africaboundandrews.blogspot.com and mark Lisa in the memo section for $10 to be donated toward our family.
Thank you thank you thank you!! Our family sends BIG hugs to you and yoru family!! We ask that if folks can't donate to help us bring our girls - that they PLEASE pray for them daily! For their health, safety and for thier hearts. They are at such TENDER ages to face all the big changes coming. We thank you again and love you guys!!!
Thanks for the encouragement. I came across your family somehow and it's been awesome to see how you manage it all. Just last night we decided to take that step of faith forward to request paper work. It's very tempting for me to not ask for finacial help. I often forget that we were so influenced to adopt through my brother and sister in law who involved us in the process. Thanks for your humble reminder this is what christian community is for!
Thanks for the encouragement! We're adopting our first child from Ethiopia.
We are adopting a waiting child from Ethiopia, a three year old little boy. We currently have an Avon fundraiser going on... 50% of all sales made through this link: http://amandatucker.avonrepresentative.com/online_event/view.php?rep_spnsr_evnt_id=88635
will go towards our adoption!! Just enter the coupon code: ADOPT at checkout! Free shipping for $30 and over!
Thank you so much for supporting those of us in the fundraising stage! What a blessing!
Hi Amy!
I'm a faithful blog reader of yours and thank you for all you do for children and adoptive families! You are such a blessing!
We are also adopting! Our little treasures are coming from Uganda. We are raising money towards our adoption expenses through this Saturday with an Uppercase Living fundraiser. Here is the link to learn more: http://feet2ourfaith.blogspot.com/2011/02/you-multi-tasker-shopping-and-rescuing.html
We will probably sell Olive Tees next! :) It has been very encouraging to have other people learn about adoption as they follow our journey in the fundraising part. What a blessing to be used of God!
Thank you and blessings!!
Amy Shaw :)
We have some "real life" friends who have been raising money to adopt from Uganda. God gave them the MOST CREATIVE idea. He took that idea ... raised their $25,000 in a very short time ... and then BLESSED them beyond belief when their fundraiser ended this week. You've GOT to check out their blog and read their story. You will be BLESSED to see what God has done.
Hope YOUR week is BLESSED!
PS: You don't want to miss my blog this week, either, as the LORD has done a MIGHTY MIRACLE in our lives! :)
If you check my blog I'm fundraising (for the first time) for a little guy at RR. Our age won't allow us to adopt anymore (we adopted 3), however this little man just tugged at my heart. He doesn't have a "forever family" yet however I'm firmly believing he will soon. Over the next several days I'll be working at things to use to get the fund raising going. Hugs
Thanks for this post! I love following your sweet family.
We just received dossier approval and are in the beginning stages of fundraising for our final payment and travel expenses to adopt our two little ones from Colombia. We are trying to coordinate a 5K Walk/Run in Arlington, TX, all proceeds to go toward the adoption. We would love for anyone in the area to participate! We would also love to hear from anyone who has coordinated a 5K or knows good resources. We are seeing that there is a lot involved!
Our blog is http://ouradoptionjourney-colombia.blogspot.com/
We will be posting fundraising information there.
Thanks again!!
Emily and Justin Daniell
This is an awesome post! I can't wait to check out all of those blogs and share them with others. We have not yet started the adoption process, but the cost-factor is definitely a fear of ours. It's so encouraging to see how many people are jumping out on faith!
Thank you so much Amy for including us in your post. Not only do we have that post that you mentioned, but we're in the middle of planning a really exciting and huge giveaway effort. It should be launched soon. We're just working on getting a few more things to include so people can get really excited about helping out (either by helping to spread the word or contributing- or even both). We've been working on our adoption for so long and I know that we (along with the other families in process) will be so blessed by any help we can get. Whether you can contribute $1.00 or $1,000 (or any other amount really), we'd be so touched by your assistance folks. Prayers and thoughts are always helpful too. (-: Come visit us at http://ourlivesworksinprogress.blogspot.com. Thanks everyone and I wish all families in the adoption process the best of luck with their efforts. Thank you so much Amy for helping so many people! Your family is awesome. (-:
Thank you!!! I love reading your blog...you are such an inspiration to us.
We are in process to bring home a sweet 5yo boy from a WC listing. We brought home our 1.5yo daughter from Ethiopia in March 2010 and we also have a 2.5yo birthson. This time around we are pressed to raise funds to bring little "H" home!
Many blessings,
We are adopting siblings from Ethiopia (No referral yet :(.. 4 months 15 days waiting)
We are selling homemade soaps, and T-shirts, and bags, and alot more! at youngfamilyadoption.blogspot.com
We also just started a Just Love coffee yesterday (http://www.justlovecoffee.com/youngfamilyadoption )
Thanks for the encouragement!
We are adopting our third child (second adoption) and are raising funds. We need about $10,000 more and have currently grown weary in the spiritual battle that is fundraising and budgeting. (Garage door breaks, HVAC breaks... and there goes $1,000 from our meager savings.) SO - we would love prayers for financial protection and provision.
My friend is running the Boston Marathon in honor of our soon-to-be-babe. He will be raising funds and selling shirts but the blog is not put together yet. So, if you want to support him go to the above link and if you donate to paypal leave a note that says "marathon." OR - check back at this link later:
Thanks so much for the prayers and support. We cannot wait to bring our little one home. We LOVE adoption and are passionately pursuing it.
We are adopting from Ethiopia....you can follow us at...
We are selling tees for $20!
Thank you again Amy for helping to spread the love!
We are adopting our baby from Ethiopia and have African jewelry and beauty products for sale on our blog to help with travel costs. (Coconut Oil, Mango Butter, all-natural soaps). Check us out and spread the link!
Yeah! THANK YOU for doing this! :)
We are raising the money to adopt our 5th child (3rd adoption)- domestic transracial adoption.
I am making Whipped Body Butter (also great for African hair), and we have a few others going, too.
Details on our blog: www.andykiara.blogspot.com
Thanks for checking it out! :)
Hi Amy :) We should be receiving our referral within the next 2-4 weeks!!!! Cannot wait! We still have plenty of men's and women's t shirts for sale and have been brainstorming for other fundraisers.
Thank you Amy for being "His hands" and for reminding us that our lives are to be lived for Him.
We are #8 on the waiting list to adopt two kiddos from Democratic Republic of Congo.We're making bottle cap necklaces,adorable bracelets,& hair accesories for our fundraiser.
It has been such a blessing to discover blogs like yours in the last few weeks. I just can't state it in any other way... so many encouraging words, so many beautiful families.
I have 3 adopted siblings and a dozen adopted cousins. My husband is 29, I am 25, and we are just beginning our own adoption journey. We get the "you guys are crazy" comments once in awhile; but they don't phase us.
Life is too short to wait; and our children are waiting for us.
God bless!
You are one amazing family trusting God and following his will! Love your blog!
I love this idea! Thanks, Amy, for making it available.
By the way, I want you to know that you and your family are inspirational! Thank you for sharing your journey.
My husband and I are adopting for the second time, this time from Ethiopia. We hope to bring home 1-2 under the age of 4 years old. We are currently almost finished with our paperwork needed for our home study to begin (visits and writing it up).
I have yet to find my crafty side to make things to sell, and we do not have a blog, but we are selling t-shirts and coffee on the following sites:
Adoption Bug t-shirts: http://www.adoptionbug.com/pleasant/
They have other great t-shirts, but we only get a portion of the purchases made from the 6 shirts on our particular page.
Just Love Coffee: http://www.justlovecoffee.com/Pleasant
I look forward to visiting others' fundraisers.
So funny, was just praying "what else can I do." :) We are adopting our first from Uganda!
Blessings to all!!
Hi Amy --
We are not adopting yet.. but following the journey God is CALLING us to... we are heading to Uganda in less than 25 days with a team to work with several orphanages and orphan ministries... I just posted on my blog:
www.5walkbyfaith.blogspot.com asking for PRAYER as we can feel the attacks intensifying - the closer we get to our departure date. Excited to see where this journey takes us!
Thank you so much for your encouragement and for advocating for orphans and their families. We have seen God providing abundantly despite our weak faith. We're adopting siblings from Ethiopia and nearing the end of our paper chase. We're selling Just Love Coffee and T-shirts (and can accept donations) at: www.whereourhopeis.blogspot.com
Thank you for the encouragement! We would love to have your prayers as we bring home our son from Burkina Faso. We're praying to bring him home as soon as possible this spring. Throughout our journey God has been faithful and provided the funds just as we needed them. Adoption is all about what He is doing!
Hello, Amy!
At this time, we aren't fundraising for an adoption, but we are dundraising for charity:water. We hope to raise $5,000 to build a well in a developing country. We know our God can do "immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine".
Take Care!
Please pray for me and my husband... we just adopted a little boy with Down Syndrome from Hong Kong, we brought him home in November, so he has been here about 2 1/2 months now.
We know that we are going to adopt again... a little girl this time... my husband is not really sure about starting the process again, but lately Ive felt the urge.
I have found a little girl in Korea that I feel strongly attached to. She will turn 4 soon... and at 4, they are taken out of foster care and put in an orphanage (unless they have a family coming for them) - making it much more hard for them to be adopted.
I am not sure which way to turn b/c I cannot proceed without my husband's approval, but Im not sure I can live life normal if this girl goes without a family.
Please pray that God would give us direction and guidance and make His will known. Please pray that He would let us know if we are her family or if not, that her family steps up soon. More than anything, I am praying that God speaks to my husband's heart - and that he will listen...
Thank you.
Thanks for the "shout out." :) We love you guys.
We are wrapping up our second adoption to complete a family of 9. God is good and has taken care of every expense when it was necessary to write a check. There were times, we just didn't have it and the agency was pushing for a check. All I could say is, I don't have it right now. All the money came in and we actually will finish about $1,600 under budget. That savings will be used because our new son is a special needs child.
To all the adoptive families, I encourage you to hand out prayer cards. Prayer has meant so much to us on this adoption journey. There are many instances where we could see His hand taking control. To the friends and family of those adopting, please understand that it is a "God Thing". Your friends or family may not be able to explain why they are spending thousands of dollars for a child on the other side of the world - just hug them and support them. God has touched their heart to provide a home to a needy child/children. You can play a part in their life and journey just by supporting them emotionally.
What a great post! It is hard but anything worth having is tough. We are in the process of adopting 18 month old twins from Uganda. We have completely stepped out in faith and God is working it out BIG TIME!! I will be posting the story on my blog as soon as we get the official referral. Thanks for your encouragement.
Thanks Amy, you are always such an encouragement.
We are adopting 2 sn kids from China, and fundraising. We also adopted 2 last year, making money especially scarce. Our I pad fundraiser and the kid's stories are at www.2coats.blogspot.com
and out family blog is www.5hurleykids.blogspot.com
We are the Stewarts and are in the process of adopting child #4 for us from Ethiopia. We have done countless fundraisers and are almost ready to send the last bit of funds for our dossier. I am running a half marathon to help bring our little guy home. Would you consider sponsoring me?
Thank you!!
We are just beginning . . . and don't know exactly where God is leading us yet but this I do know, to somehow help the orphans in the Congo. So half of our current fundraiser is going towards them, the other half to our adoption (or somebody's) journey.
Love your blog- wish I was going to Guatemala to work at an orphanage! We are adopting Maria with Down
syndrome from Eastern Europe and need to raise about $15,000 more! And we're traveling to meet her soon! Yes, the Lord will keep His promise! We believe and know this truth even when our faith is weak!
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