and because of your sacrifice,
these children will be blessed.

My heart is so full of gratitude to all of you who stepped forward and said "I will". Your being willing to sacrifice for your neighbor and give is such a beautiful thing. I cannot help but to think of how this must make the Lord smile.
The donations for the One Day- One Lunch project are continuing to come in at Lifesong... so we probably won't have a definite total for at least a week. Remember though even if you couldn't participate on February 3rd you can choose any day to skip a meal and give. :)
Thank you again for giving and for going without so that these children have a chance. This is what being a part of the body is all about- and it is awesome. :)
Just donated through Paypal. So happy we could participate.
"Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much." Thanks for helping us all come together for a great cause!
Can't wait to hear the total....Be sure to share, K? And what a great girl you have in Miss Addy! You know, I have a 16 year old son.....I'm just saying! :o)
Lisa H.
I have been following your blog and it's so encouraging to see your family's love and heart to serve our God above, and adopt children. Recently, through a friend, I came across the Loux family who has adopted 10 children, 4 of which have special needs. Unfortunately, a little over a year ago the husband, Derek, passed away, but Renee, the wife, continues to have a trumpeteers heart for the cause of the orphan and showing the love of God.
However, as usual God brings beauty out of pain! Currently the Loux family is being considered for Extreme Makeover Home Edition in Missouri.
Here is a link that better describes the situation and how easy it is to send a quick email...
Also, I got permission that it can be sent and reposted as much as we desire. THANKS!
Just came across your blog and want to thank you for what you and your family have done and are doing!! We too have been told we are nits and crazy just for giving four children a home who did not have one. Yes, we spent a lot of money from our retirement account (and more than we paid for our home)- but it was worth every penny.
Please, read David Platt's book, "Radical". You will not feel alone any more!
God Bless -
Could you please email me at
Hi Amy, I'm a little late coming to the (no) lunch party, but I'm here! Made my donation today through Paypal. Thank you for all you do to challenge me to do more when I think "I've done my part." I don't ever want to start thinking I don't need to do more.
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