I just heard from the Gobble family- it's 3:00 AM in Kazakhstan but Lanette is too excited to sleep. So far they have raised $6,000 to bring their twin little girls HOME!!!! SO PRECIOUS!
God amazes me. He is always, ALWAYS good and He has so much more for us than we could ever imagine for ourselves.
THANK YOU for praying, for giving and for caring- because you did- TWO little girls will no longer be orphans. :))))
You made me cry! When God shows off, it is pretty awesome!! ;) He's been really showing off in my life as well and it's amazing to see!!
Such beautiful news! Are they still lacking funds--or they've raised the full amount needed?
Such beautiful news! Are they still lacking funds--or they've raised the full amount needed?
Yay! Wonderful news, Amy. Thanks so much for posting!!
Have they met their goal yet?! Was unsure if $6000 covered bringing the second baby home!
Yay for Jesus. Thanks for the response. The information is everywhere I can get access to. It is well.
nevermind =) Just saw the total $10,000 in your comment section. Just posted on my blog and will also post on facebook
They are still lacking some of the funds- but trusting God for the rest to come in. They have decided to say YES to the twin girls after seeing God working today so quickly. I truly believe all it takes is a YES from us sometimes for Him to do the work. :) Thanks again you guys for caring- you bless me. :)
Amy, so cool, you are going to laugh...I just posted my plea for the Gobbles since we are a part of their Kaz community and I used the PRAY.SUPPORT.ADOPT saying from the shirt I was telling you about and then I thought, hey, I will tell Amy, I bet she will put it on her sight....and girl, you are way ahead of me...I absolutely love the adoption commmunity. It draws us together like nothing else I have seen....SO good to see God at work in a mighty way! Ok, so how bout next time I am in your neck of the woods, we will carpool up to visit those sweet girls Live and in Person in their new family! Thanks for supporting them by putting this up today! :) karen
Praise God!!! So LOVE seeing how He always provides!!
LOL Checking back hourly to see if you have any more information. I'm an info nerd.
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