You know, the time when once again everywhere you look people will be running themselves ragged in search of the 'perfect' gift- for that hard to buy for person. That person who already 'has it all' so much so that you cannot think of a single thing they need.
Can you imagine if this year we all said 'enough'? If this year we said- enough of the materialism, enough of the waste, enough of the having more than enough? Enough of over packed closets and dressers and drawers. Enough of garages, attics and storage units stuffed to the brim. Can you imagine if this year we spent our hard earned money on something someone really needs- on something that really matters?
Below is a list of precious people who have put their time, efforts, talents, hard work and hearts into investing into the lives of others. It was such a blessing for me to put together this list and see how so many people are willing to do whatever they can to make someone else's life a whole lot better. Shouldn't we be doing the same?
The other day I read somewhere the words "Christmas was meant to change the world". How, over the years have we gotten so far away from that truth?
Jesus came so that we could have LIFE. This year lets do the same by GIVING GIFTS that GIVE LIFE. Lets help a child find their way home to a forever family, let's help Delvin and his brothers sleep in a bed instead of on the dirt floor for once, let's give clean water, and let's give hope. And on Christmas morning when we gather around the Christmas tree we will know, without a shadow of a doubt, that this year we truly experienced what Christmas is all about.
Signs of Faith

Delvin's Dolls
Ethnics Ornaments to buy beds for a sponsored child.
Flower Pins and other Homemade Goodies
for an adoption

for an adoption from Ethiopia

for and adoption
Ugandan Magazine Bead Necklaces
for an adoption

Etsy Items
for a non-profit organization that gives grants and supports and orphanage in Ethiopia
Heifer International
Send animals to families in other countries


Made by kids in Ecuador for Orphanage Support Services Organization
Bottle cap necklaces and key chains
for mission work in Dube Bute, Ethiopia
Boutique Clothing

Africa Ornaments and Figurines
for an adoption
T-shirts and Necklaces
for an adoption from Ethiopia

T-shirts and Coffee
for an adoption from Ethiopia
Lifesong for Orphans
Looking for a great gift idea?Why not adopt an orphanage? You can do this through Lifesong for Orphans here.

Homemade crocheted and sewn items
Sarah is 12, and she is making these to raise money for a grant so that sweet Anastasiya can find her forever family through Reeses Rainbow.

for an adoption

for an adoption from Rwanda

for the Jones' adoption from Ethiopia

for an adoption and the care center in Ethiopia
Coffee and T-shirts
for an adoption

Personalized Towels and Praise and Worship Cd's
for an adoption from Bulgaria

Africa T-shirts and Onesies
for an adoption

for the Dutton's foundation to aid orphans

T-shirts and Coffee
for an adoption from Ethiopia
A family raising money for another family to adopt Ivan L.
Ivan is the precious little boy pictured below. He is waiting for his forever family. To donate click on the link below.
T-shirts and notecards
for an adoption from West Africa
for an adoption
For MORE great fundraisers check out this site!
If you emailed me and your product was not listed here please let me know asap. I tried my hardest to stay organized and keep track of my nine blessings as well. ;0)
I love this and will link to this post on my blog soon! I just wrote a post today about Christmas shopping in a different way this year too. Praying that many many MANY will embrace this idea and that many will be blessed by squashing materialism!
Great stuff! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you so much! I'm excited about this list...both to see the organization I support listed and to see ways to help others. There are some amazingly creative, truly perfect gifts on this list. :)
Thanks so much Amy!!!
Thank you Thank you Thank you for this post!! I always struggle with Christmas, hating the consumerism that I feel like I have to partake in for the sake of extended family. Now, I can show my faith and inspire them to give in a different way. :) Big smiles over here!
Wow, Amy! What a list! I want everything! (It's not bad to want everything if it's for a good cause, right? lol)
Thanks so much for doing this!
Thank you so much for putting this list together. I will definitely be doing my Christmas shopping from this list.
Amy, thank you sooo much for posting this! Our family appreciates the support, and I am excited to have the opportunity to give to others!
Amy~ This is so funny, because I just hit publish on a post just like this before seeing yours!! So I went back into my post and linked to yours. We have only a few of the same sites listed - awesome! My husband and I are going to try really hard to shop with a purpose this Christmas, and I am EXCITED! Thanks for sharing these.
Oh man! I missed getting mine to you! (so can I just add my address here in the comments??) We are selling handmade African items for our infant daughter Olivia's adoption (from Ethiopia).
Check us out at:
Hey Amy, It's been a while since I have written but I always still check your blog. Our baby was born 9 weeks ago so life has been extra busy. I just wrote a blog post about this same topic last week. I've been meaning to write and say "welcome to the homeschooling community" too. We emailed a bit about it last year. Isn't it such a blessing? Enjoy the rest of your day with your blessings. ~JJ
Thanks for adding us!! Every step is a step closer to our #7!
Thank you so much for supporting our family and for this great list to shop from!
If you would like to add Pampered Chef Products to your list, I am donating 100% of my commission in Nov. & Dec. to any family's adoption fund. It's a two fold fundraiser that also helps widows in distress (James 1:27). Here are the details:
Hi Amy, would you mind adding us to the list too? What would I need to do?
what an awesome idea. thanks for putting this together!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing your forum with so many families working to bring home their little ones. Bless your heart!
Thank you for adding us!! Blessings!
love this post!!
i am also selling Christmas photo Cards to benefit adoption at!
can't wait to check some of these out:)
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