A friend of mine spent some time talking with her daughter about The Pass It Forward Adoption Fund and how it was important for each one of us to give up something so that we could give to someone else.
She talked to her about how our family was going to eat beans and rice for dinner for the month of September so that we would be able to cut back on our grocery bill, therefore having more to give.
She then asked her daughter, Kristin, if she would be willing to do the same...
After much though, Kristin decided that no, there was just no way she was willing to eat beans and rice for a month... however, she would be willing to eat CHEETOS every night for dinner for the month of September.
And that my friends is why I ADORE kids.
And this is Momma's way to get her kids to never want cheeto's again after September!!! Sounds like a win-win!!
Soooo funny!
We officially have a pickle jar! I talked to the kids & told them even if they found a penny somewhere, it counts! I jokingly told Kade that he was not allowed to swipe anybody's lunch money! :o) So, we went to open house at his school the other night, & of course we had to check out the playground before we left. I hear Kade yelling, "Mom! Mom!" I look up & he is SPRINTING towards me holding up a quarter he found in the mulch. I still get choked up thinking about it. It became contagious when we got home. The kids have investigated every crevice & come up with quite the collection of change. Kam even offered her $20 babysitting money she just made!
Now, if we could just finish eating the pickles............
I am laughing at Dardi's story...lots of pickles to eat! Such a sweet boy!
Giving up cheetos might be a bit much huh? OH my gosh kids are fantastic!
Very cute!
awwwww :) so cute :)
that is a great story! :) i also love the comment about the quarter found on the playground. i love the heart of a child..so BIG! ( I finally got it to work..after getting kicked offline twice more..hmmm..)
I am hungry for Cheetos right now! can't think of the last time i had them.
thanks for sharing!
darling story. kids do say the cutest things. and they are sincere!
That is hilarious! :)
Amen! That is why I love kids also. They come up with the darnest answers.
We have a pickle jar going too! It hasn't been easy getting many donations, but every little bit helps. I was very encouraged reading your blog today! coming up with the funds to adopt can feel impossible.
My God Given Mission Field
Whata blessing ofa story!
praying and waiting for
Daniel, Juniro and Diamoh
in Liberia
Oh my gosh, that's so funny! I'm sure most of the students at my school would be willing to make the same "sacrifice" if only their parents would oblige!
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