Saturday, January 3, 2009

Things that make me smile

Just to prove what an amazing mommy my sister Jenny is and what a cool family she has I had to share this today. Today they are having Mario's 10th birthday party- celebrating Mario's 1st birthday in their family, his first birthday party- and his first birthday cake EVER. So to make up for the birthday cakes he never had- they decided to have one for each year he (and they) missed! How sweet is that?? My sister Jenny and family adopted this precious little boy almost a year ago through a disrupted adoption. Mario is from Mexico and he is an ABSOLUTE TREASURE. He's sweet, obviously gorgeous, well mannered, funny and one of the coolest little boys I have ever met! I am so blessed to have this little boy in my extended family. Wish my big old family could be there to eat all those cakes with you Mario! WE LOVE YOU ALL!! (and Jen thanks for being the kind of mommy you are- I am so proud of you and learn so much from you every day!!)


Barry and Amy said...

That is an awesome idea!

Pam said...

Tears! Oh my!! That is so amazing, sweet, and special!! WOW!! Way to go Jenny! Thanks for sharing, Amy!

Tessa said...

The smile on his face says it all. What a special day for Mario! I have heard of doing this before ... and I love the idea. He will definitely have a birthday to remember.

Amy Clemons said...

Wow! That was a great idea. It must have been such a special day for them all.....something he will always cherish.

Your kiddos are cutie pies. I can't wait to see more pics. They look so content.

whenpigsfly said...

What a WONDERFUL idea!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...


Mary Ann said...

Wow! How cool is that! Happy Birthday Mario!

Sara said...

How very special!

Unknown said...

I love it! I will have to remember that since we are contemplating adopting a little older child this time, but I have been so concerned about what all we will have missed out on.

kitzkazventure said...

What an awesome picture. Loveall of the cakes! We did the same thing for my son only he was just turning 4....It was very special as I am sure it was for your sister. We did an open house from 1-4 and celebrated each birthday on the hour. I have to say 1-10 would have killed me! :) Although having that much cake....yumm! ;)

Holly said...

That is fantastic. And let me tell you that I LOVE to hear of kiddos who have been disrupted who are thriving in their new homes. It gives me hope for W. that her right family IS out there.
Thanks for sharing this...what an amazing sister...hmmm guess it runs in the family!

Doreen said...

What a memory to have ,, VERY COOL!! doreen!!!

Anonymous said...

This is amazing. What a true picture for all the kids waiting for their forever family. Great idea! A very special first birthday I am sure he will never forget!

C said...

We did that with Christmas ornaments this year - one for every year we missed with our two newest children. I had SO MUCH FUN picking them out and thinking back on them at different ages ... imagining, wondering, crying, praying, grieving, celebrating ...