I found out here (thanks Rachel!) that it's National delurking month. I had no idea! But I kind of like the idea so here we go... Let me know who you are. Come on- "delurk" yourself! You can do it- be brave!! Just take a deep breath and click 'comment'. Tell me how you found me and something cool about yourself. ;0) Thanks for dropping by!
Oh neato am I the first to be de-lurked? I met you at church as you were moving in and I was moving out. God gave us just enough time to connect and for us to realize our hearts beat to the same tune. My cool thought about myself is that when I was 5 years old, God gave me the vision that I would have an orphanage someday. I don't know how that will all play out, but I have a mini orphanage in my home right now!!! To God be the glory...
Love you
Hi! I found your blog ages ago through Angels. I've been reading since before you adopted Kaden. I really enjoy reading your blog!
My daughter showed me your blog as I am a foster mom and we are in the process of adopting ..She said MOM she has 11 kids....I said OH MY!!!So I have only been reading your blog for a coupld of weeks.....
I found your blog thru my daughter whos a blogaholic.Who kept telling me to go read your blog so I have been reading for about 2 weeks.
I am a foster mom to 2 boys 10 months and almost 3 yr old.
I have 1 adopted son Charlie,1 bio daughter 20 years old..
Its good to meet you.God Bless you!!!!
Let's see. I googled "Crazy woman who keeps adopting kids" and your blog pulled up.
Kidding! :-)
Well, you already know the story... but I met you on the India list and then you switched to Guatemala and Aleigha and Eli were cribmates and now they're destined to get married - and one day we'll be family. Cool, huh?
Leslie ;-)
I am also an adoptive mom of two. We live in alabama. I love reading your blog about your great family. I especially loved the "real life" experience you gave your children...mini vacation!!
I love reading your blog and appreciate your kind comments. I had a friend tell me about your blog as she encouraged me when we were considering adopting again. I have 3 biological sons, 21, 18 and 17. We fostered our daughter for a year and then adopted her from within our state. I never dreamed we would adopt again, but God has such better plans for us than we can ever imagine. We just got the confirmation today to begin our home study to proceed with our international adoption from China. I can't wait to see what God has planned this time. We are passionate about adoption and pray God will bless your family immeasurably!
I found your blog through...hmmm, I'm not even sure anymore. But I found it :) We adopted our daughter from Eagles Nest as well.
I found your blog through Angel, who probably doesn't know that I read her blog! I am a blogging addict!! We adopted our daughter, Gillian, from Guatemala and would someday like to adopt again. I come to your blog because I am SO inspired!! I come here and laugh, cry, and pray for you and your kiddos. I love watching how God is using you! It's amazing!!
Well let's see... I think I found your blog through Angel's. You have a beautiful family and I enjoy following your blog.
Hi, I'm Anna... I found your blog off a link on another blog. I love your dedication to the Lord and the love you have for your children. My husband and I have discussed foster care and adoption but that's about as far as it's gotten, I'm pregnant with our 2nd child (due in 4 weeks) and we have a 2 year old. Thanks for the encouragement you give!
I am Pattie the mom of 1 with the heart for more. A friend told me about your blog. We are on the path to adoption.
Hi Amy! We became fast friends through email after I brought my sweet baby Anna home and before you brought baby Aleigha home through the same adoption agency from Guatemala. You made a space for me last year on the mission trip to Guatemala to give back to the country that has given us so much and I will be forever thankful for that week we spent together in Guatemala. You started this blog soon after our trip and I've been reading ever since. Hugs!!
hello! well i'm a social work student from Malta (small island in Europe beneath Sicily) and i was searching for adoption real life stories for a uni assignment, and like on the 10th google page i found all these adoption blogs and one of them was The Voice of adventure and from there i found your blog! and well i've been hooked because i find what you r doing so wonderful! Well done! you have a big heart!
Something cool about me? well i am 20 yrs old and i can speak 4 languages fluently! French, Italian, English and of course Maltese (our national language)
Another lurker here. :) I'm not sure how I found your blog, but it has quickly become one of my favorites!
One blog seems to lead to another but I discovered your blog when your friends were having your "online baby shower" for your new crew. I felt like I had hit the "jackpot" of blogs and I have been reading your blog ever since. I love the fact that you can reach out with a blog and make connections with other women who share the same passion for adoption and have a deep relationship with Christ as well. We are all one body in Christ and one day in Heaven we will all be together and laugh about our blog connections. My husband and I have been praying about adding to our family again through foster care adoption when I found your blog. Your story was just what I needed to take the next step in growing our family. With much pray and tons of faith we are once again updating the homestudy and waiting on him to lead.....Thanks!
Hello, Well like so many I found your blog by way of Angel's blog. I am a foster/adoptive parent in Texas. I was actually picking my oldest up from a friends in your same small town last weekend.( funny it's a small world) I love reading your blog it is so inspiring and heart warming. May God continue to bless you and give the new hearts in your home peace and assurance that they are home forever.In Christ Love, Stacey
I also found your blog through Angel - was sad when it went private and so excited when you were "back"! We have two bio sons (almost 8 and 6) and our Becca is 3 from Guatemala. I am very interested in foster care and getting the church involved!
I think I commented before but I feel like I lurk a lot. I found you from a friend who found you somehow...And I too love your blog. One thing that's cool about me is I have 5 kids (4 foster, 1 bio) and they all are odd number in age --1, 3, 5, 7,9.
And we drive a 12 passenger van.
I can't even remember how I got to your blog months ago. we are adopting from Guatemala and are stuck in some stinky stuff. I come here for your beautifully written posts. They are such a inspiration to me.
I initially found your blog through Angel's. I am so glad your blog is public again. I love reading about all God has done in your family. You have allowed God to work through you in such a gracious and humble way, accepting His path for your life. Such a testimony. We have one 7 yr. old girl (bio...born at 27 weeks...doing great considering rough start in life), 5 yr. old boy (bio), and 2 yr.old boy (born in Guat.) We are praying about starting the process again in Ethiopia, or China Special Needs.
I found your blog through Angels. We are soon- to -be- adoptive parents, one from Taiwan, and one from China! I enjoy all your insights about adoption, family, and bonding.
Hi Amy! I am Maggie's mommy. Remember me?? I just found your blog through Michelle. Your family is beautiful! Stacey T
Such a cute idea. I know it's cheesy, but the Lord lead me to your blog. I'm a mother of just 1, and having been wanting to adopt since I lost one of my ovaries 4 years ago and was faced with the idea of not being able to have children. But the Lord graced me with my beautiful daughter, Riley. My husband is hesitant to the idea of adoption, and I'm always telling him, Come read this lady's blog! about how incredible the gift of adoption can be, and i think you are starting to let him see the light! thank you so much for you blog!
Hi, I think I left a comment earlier, but I literally clicked on your blog by "accident" from someone's list of blogs they follow and I"m so glad I did. Your story is inspiring and I can't help myself from checking back on your life. Thanks for the Godly encouragement and for keeping it real. And something about myself, I just adopted a little girl from the US she is 15 months old and I'm learning how to do AA hair too! I love it!
Hi Amy! Well, I'm not a lurker but thought I'd let you know I'm still here checking out your blog every couple of days. I think we probably were on the India forum together, although I don't remember you from there. I DO remember Leslie and should probably go delurk myself on her blog. Anyway, we ended up really "meeting" on the Dillon Guatemala forum, and I'm so fortunate to have met you, Todd, and 7 of your kids in person. Hoping to meet the other 4 kids very soon. Something cool about me...hmmmm...I'm an adoptive mommy and I think that's the COOLEST thing :)
I may have left a comment here before, but I found your site from the recovering noah site, and I found their site because I at some point on some list or something left a comment about playing the piano with one hand, and she left a comment on my blog. So, I am now addicted to both of you because although I have 4 girls, I would love to adopt - but my husband is in the mortgage industry, and I'm watching and waiting.... Check us out, and keep hugging up the new kiddos - I teach a lot of kids like this and they definitely need mommy love.
You caught me! Yes, I've been lurking for awhile now. We brought home our daughter from Guate in March of '07 and I'm fairly certain that she was in the same orphanage (EN)as one or both of yours! I love reading your blog! Keep up the good work and keep blogging!
Don't remember how i found your blog, but love following it! We have adopted one beauty from Guatemala! What a joy and inspiration your family is!
no longer waiting on Greyson
I found your site thru Holly's during the baby shower- you have been such an encouragement for me! We are an adoptive and foster family and I am always looking for spiritual and emotional support from committed Christian foster/adopt families. Thank you so much for continuing to share your story! You are inspiring and encouraging for us out here!
For His Glory-
Linda in WA state
Hello, I found your blog through a friend of mine who is adopting. Believe this or not, I am married and have no children! I like the contrast of my life with yours and enjoy the relationship you have with your children. Isn't it funny how different we are as families?! Thanks for showing me the opposite side of life!
I am officially delurking! I found your blog through Christine's, and am loving getting to know you and your family. My husband and I are in the process of adopting a 12 year old girl out of foster care, and my dream is to adopt from Haiti some day.
Blessings on you and your family.
Hi. My friend Kaye said I had to come and check out your blog. I had never checked out a "strangers" blog before. It did feel like snooping..but soon I felt like I knew you and your family. I come to your blog to be inspired and blessed. A calm comes over me that we will get to have the same joy of a big family as you-someday. My husband and I have one daughter who is 7. We were foster parents in Vermont and two placements of girls had come into our lives and left an empty place in our heart when they went back home to their bio parents. We have picked up our small family and moved to North Carolina to be able to establish our first home and build our family. Currently we are waiting for the state to approve our home study and get our license. Long story short we found out that a sibling group that I know and love already are available for adoption and I am so hoping we will get our home study in and be able to be considered. I go to sleep and wake up and they are on my minds. I look at the empty bedroom all done up waiting for children and know that God wants me to follow this path and he will help me get through the struggles. Thank you for your blog.
We've been in touch in the past. I love checking in on Kaden and watching the 'new' kiddos settling in. I admire you and your family very much.
delurking- another foster mom reading foster blogs! awesome story. will be back!
Just found you today, so not sure if I count as a lurker :) I'm a young single attorney who would like to adopt when I get married. You have a lovely, beautiful family!
I'm a few months late de-lurking :) I have been reading your blog off and on - I am mama to four so far - two bio and two adopted from foster care. I am waiting for God to send us more children who need a family. I've enjoyed your blog!
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