Okay, I know you experienced hair people are probably doubled over laughing- but I tried my hardest and
at least it seemed to please Lainey and
Jayla! :0) My awesome new friend Angie sent me this really great hair product from Carol's Daughter called "Hair Milk" and it's really helping get the girls hair back into shape. They have so many broken pieces that it's really hard to braid- so I had to do flat twist instead of corn rows. I also added some beads to their bangs which was a new thing for me too.
These look great! I learned cornrows and twists when I thought we might be referred a girl from Ghana, and then we got a short-haired boy. My poor Cambodian daughter just has to sit through mommy doing twists and cornrows on her hair sometimes--especially twists!
No worries, I bet they look ADORABLE!!! To play with hair!!! What fun!!
I'm impressed, girl! I'll be expecting lessons if I ever get a kiddo! : )
Looks great! I think you did a great job! Hope you are having a wonderful holiday season. Heather
Looks cute! I still don't do very good corn rows. I tend to stick to other things. I love doing the "bangs" with one corn row and then beads though. I did that recently with Lillian's extensions and it turned out so cute.
Keep up the good work mommy!
I just started reading your blog and you are such an inspiration. I can see God's hand is really blessing your family. Her hair looks great! Wow, I take my daughter to a inexpensive beauty college because I just can't seem to learn how to do the braids. After years of taking care of my boys straight hair it is really best for me NOT to do it.
I just started reading your blog and you are such an inspiration. I can see God's hand is really blessing your family. Her hair looks great! Wow, I take my daughter to a inexpensive beauty college because I just can't seem to learn how to do the braids. After years of taking care of my boys straight hair it is really best for me NOT to do it.
Thanks for sharing this! I was just talking to my adoption caseworker about doing AA hair today! You have inspired me ... I can do it too! I can't wait to learn how ... she looks great!
I think they look great! I'd love to talk hair with you! do you know that there is a yahoo group called "adoption hair care"?
Amy, they look AWESOME! You taking the time to do their hair, and learn about all the products is more important than how perfect your cornrows and twists are. The rest comes with time and practice. When they turn out that great...it's just icing on the cake! You go girl!
Amy, you did great. I have used the hair milk and love it. Here are a couple other products you could try that my friend just started using on her daughter. Check them out and see what you think. Curly Qs shampoo and conditioner, Olive and Honey Hydrating Balm by Qhemet Biologics
hey- where can you buy hair milk? i usually get everything downtown at BJ's beauty mart...
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