Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thankfulness.... Day 10... Martina. :)

One of the things I have tried to faithfully do over the years is pray for our childrens future spouses. Even though we obviously didn't know who they were- God did- and we knew it was important to be covering them in prayer.
 Once again God proved His faithfulness by blessing our family with an amazing future daughter-in-law- Martina. Just a couple of weeks ago our oldest son, Travis, asked her for her hand in marriage. :) While they are not setting the date until after they both graduate from college- we are thrilled with the news and couldn't of asked for better.

We love you Martina and we are so happy you are in our lives. What a treasure you are. :) You are one brave girl to take on our big, crazy family- and we adore you for that. :)

Congratulations Travis and Martina!!! We are so proud of you both!!!

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Pepe y Paqui said...

Enhorabuena por ese compromiso.

dawn said...

Smart boy! She's gorgeous.

Laurel said...

Rejoicing with you!

How long until the both finish college? Just curious ...

Love all of your Thankful posts. So good to see how God has BLESSED your time in Guatemala.


Laurel :)

Phyllis said...

That is so exciting!! Congratulations to Travis and Martina.

Andrea Hill said...

Wow. That is great news!

Emily said...

Congratulations to your family and to Martina and Travis. May the rest of their courtship/engagement be led and inspired by the Lord!

Alison said...

That is so wonderful! Congratulations to you all!

Leveta said...

Congratulations to the Block Family. Your future DIL is beautiful and I know her spirit is the same.

Intentional Living Homestead said...

Congratulations to All of you...what exciting news and now a wedding to plan...beautiful.

Recovering Noah said...

Amy!! I just read this blog post. I am excited for Travis and Martina! That is wonderful news!! We are so happy your family!

We miss you more than words can say!


Anonymous said...

Congrats! That is so exciting! Such a cute couple!