A couple of nights ago as I laid in my bed listening to the rain pour down outside my windown. My mind slowly slipped into panic mode and the fear began to rise inside of me. "Lord, please don’t let our home go crumbling down the side of the mountain… Lord please protect our family."
And I was taken back to a time not even a year ago when we huddled together in a closet in our Texas home. A time when tornadoes were brewing everywhere, a time when you couldn’t turn on the news without hearing about another life taken in an instant by the horrible storms. I remember sitting in that stuffy, small, closet with my babies around me praying "Lord, please don’t let our home get hit by a tornado… Lord please protect our family."
And then to a time years ago when I flying in a small airplane headed for Illinois to visit family. The airplane hit a huge patch of turbulence and that little plane bounced up and down around like a rubber ball does on a slab on concrete. I remember sitting in my seat on that little plane praying “Lord please don’t let this plane go down. Lord, please keep me safe."
As I look back on those memories one thing comes to mind.
None of us are guaranteed tomorrow.
Yet, most of the time we fool ourselves into believing that somehow we are.
We often act as if we make all the right moves, make all the right choices, and stay within the little safety net we have ever so carefully built around us- we can live forever.
Those lives that were taken here in Guatemala the past few days, I am guessing none of them could have believed that day would be their last.
Those lives that were taken in the tornados several months ago in Texas, I am sure none of them would have guessed that day would be the day.
The lives that have been lost in airplane crashed after airplane crash, I doubt if they ever saw it coming as they loaded the plane that day.
But the plain, simple, honest truth is- we are going to die.
There I said it.
I am going to die.
No really, I am.
And so are you.
We have no choice and we have no say in the matter.
One day, we are going to die. And there is no way around it.
The only choice and the only say we get is- what are we going to do with today?
What are we going to do with the precious, fragile, beautiful thing called time we are given?
Are we going to live our lives to the fullest, taking big risks, loving deeply, giving freely, focusing on the good and forgiving the bad?
Or are we simply going to exist, clinging to the very things that we cannot keep anyway, and continuing to fool ourselves into believing we somehow can?
People have asked us time and time how ‘risky’ is it to live in Guatemala. And the truth is my friends- we took a risk.
A BIG risk…
We took the risk because plain and simple,these precious souls were worth it.
And one day, when the Lord calls me home, in a way I don't get to choose, in a time that will never be quite right, I will kneel before Him and know without a doubt...
I made the right choice.
You are such an inspiration, thank you for your honesty and for your love for the Lord. I really feel God's calling on my life through your words. Tone
Thank you...for risking...for loving...for living out your faith for all of us to see! May we too be willing to surrender ALL for HIM!
Beautiful post!!! Praying for your precious family and thankful you are safe...thankful you are trusting the Lord completely!
Oh my goodness Amy I have goosebumps just reading...it's like an epiphany. You spoke in this post so much of what I just posted about yesterday.
I am only given this moment...is what I wrote. And here you are saying the same thing. I will die one day...and honestly I pray it's when I am old...that is the truth. We all want to live to be old and see our children grow up...but we are not promised that.
We are only promised this moment. I am so sorry for the loss of lives where you are. I have not watched any news in days and days...and had no idea. But know that because I know now, I WILL be praying.
But also, thank you once again for speaking into my life and confirming those things I already know but need to hear again and again.
PS. Praying for your sweet family as well.
love this. every day for Him! darci
Your last few posts are like manifestations of the very things going on inside my head. I just got back from Sierra Leone and your posts are some confirmations from God is real big God-like ways that he is calling our family to do something pretty radical. So even though you don't know me, know that what you are posting, God is using on me in profound ways. Thank you for being a part of it.
Thanks, Amy...I needed this. I find myself as we wait to go get our little one in China beginning to worry about the travel, leaving kiddos behind, etc. But I would rather make decisions based on love vs. dictated by fear. I appreciate the reminder. Love you!
i love you. i love what He continues to do in your heart and family. i am blessed to call you friend, and sister!
amen to your last words in this post - AMEN!
I was just going to come on here and ask you if you were okay. My church is connected with El Salvador and we've been hearing how bad it is and have been praying for them. We will include you!
Now to go read your post!
So beautiful!!!
Amen, Amy, amen! Had no idea about the tropical storm since we don't watch TV and I never keep up with current events...I like living in my little bubble, but I'm so grateful to be updated on life outside of our lil ranch via your blog update! So sorry for the lives lost; so grateful y'all are OK. Grateful y'all are shining the light, teaching about Jesus, so more and more will have the chance to experience Paradise when their time is up on this earth. Love and miss y'all!
Dern you, Amy. You always make me cry-sure sometimes they're happy tears, tears of joy, convicting tears, scared tears and just tears. You're really good at making me dehydrated. :P You're right and I love your heart!! What will we do with TODAY, right NOW!
Hugs & Prayers
PS You made the right choice 100%. Even I feel that!
Love this, Miss Amy!
Lisa H.
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