Sometimes the needs are so overwhelming I don't even know where to begin. Sometimes the needs are so heartbreaking that I just want to look the other way. But, I did that for too many years of my life and I wasted precious opportunities to make a difference because of it. I know not all of us can do everything, but I also know that if we don't know- then we cannot help at all. So that said, I'd like to share with you a story.
This is Javier.
Javier works here at Eagles Nest doing construction work and any odd jobs he is asked to do. He is a dedicated, hard worker, always here on time and ready to go. But what stands out most about Javier is his wonderful smile- that you rarely see him without. As a matter of fact, when we first came here and we were learning who everyone was, we all referred to Javier as the guy who is always smile.
Javier has 4 precious children who are just as sweet as he is. The 3 oldest kids come to the Manna Feeding Center every day. They too quickly made their way into our hearts.
Last June Javier's wife, Estela, gave birth to a beautiful baby girl they named Clarita. Shortly after, she was outside their home where their bathroom is located and slipped and fell. She started having horrible pain in her stomach and thought she hurt herself during the fall. She lived with the pain for about a week and then finally decided she needed to go the doctor. There, she was given the news that she had a golf ball sized tumor on her cervixs and needed to have it removed.
The health care system here in Guatemala is difficult to work with. You can go to the general hospital and get care for free- but the problem is getting in. The hospital right now is only taking emergency cases because there are very few workers. The doctors are on protest now for not getting paid enough. Even though Estela has a tumor, this is not seen as an emergency since they do not know for sure if it is cancerous until they remove it. She has been waiting in pain since July to get in for surgery and there is no hope in sight- while the pain continues to get worse. The other option is to go to a private doctor and pay. The cost for this kind of surgery is approximately $1000 (American dollars) which is a huge amount for this family- basically impossible.
And so, they wait.
And they hope.
And they pray.
And they trust.
In Him.
Tonight we had the privilege of going to Javier and Estela's house to pray with them. As I sat in their one room home, the rain dripped through the tarp they had for a roof. I wondered to myself if I will ever quit being shocked at how little these people have- but how BIG their faith truly is. The love and care Javier had for his wife brought me to tears and I cannot even begin to understand how this man continues on showing up for work each day with a smile on his face, while carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders.
Everyone who knows me knows how passionate I am about orphans. But even more than that- I am passionate about keeping families healthy and together. I see this family trying. I see this family believing in the impossible. And I see God at work.
I don't claim to have all the answers or even begin to know what to do. But I know what I cannot do- and that is to sit around and do nothing. So for those of you who have asked if there are any needs here, I couldn't let this one pass. Please join me in lifting this family up in prayer and if you'd like to help Estela get her surgery you can donate on the Eagles Nest website here. Just email me at and let me know it's for Javiers family.Thank you so much for helping this precious family.
****Update. I just witnessed a miracle my friends. Within minutes of publishing this post THE GOAL WAS MET. Thank you sweet Jesus!!! You are amazing!!!! If any more funds come in they will be put in a medical needs account and used for other emergencies like this. Thank you all!!!
Oh, Amy, I am so grateful you shared this story. I cannot imagine seeing all that you're seeing, living all that you're living, and having to trust God to take care of all of the things that I'm sure you'd like to run in and fix immediately. You have a heart of gold, and this sweet family is just precious. I love Javier's smile, and it looks like his oldest daughter inherited his smile, too. We'll be sending some money for this family. The needs are so great, the workers are few, but God is faithful, always. What amazing hands and feet you and your family are. Love you and miss you!
Wow! The need was met that fast?! Incredible! God is SO AWESOME! Thank you, brothers and sisters, for coming and meeting that need, and making a story that is a glorious praise to God!
PRAISE BE TO GOD!!! If you don't ask, you won't receive right? I am always hesitant to ask also but then I never know who might want to help out. I can't be a voice for them if I don't ask. Please keep updating us on how she is doing.
That brings tears to my eyes. So happy that the need was met and I will be praying for that family.
What love God has for his children :)
Thank you for sharing this need-will be praying for their family.
AMAZING!!! Thanks for sharing needs with us and allowing us to come alongside and then witness God's provision! So awesome.
Praise God! I was having my church print this out to share at our Women's Bible Study tonight (we are doing Hole in our Gospel) to get women to help donate but they told me the goal was already met!!!! That is absolutely amazing and couldn't have happened without you! You are such a blessing! Love you!
Tina Salvador
WOW, God is beyond words of greatness. How wonderful for this family.
Tina- thank you SO MUCH for being willing to share this with your church- you rock!!! I have to tell you though I had absolutely NOTHING to do with this- it was ALL God! He blows me away on a daily basis!!!
so happy the money came so quickly. so sad it happened before i read it :)
i get the next one, please?!!!
just home from ethiopia with our kids. everything going crazy good, but i am navigating my way still :) xoxo.
So glad the money came through!!
Let us know of any more needs!!!
Oh my goodness, Amy...I am trying to catch up on my blog reading and just came across this post. How incredibly touching! I am so glad Estela now has the money for surgery and will pray she can have it done asap. Thank you for sharing their story. My heart hurts.
Keep us posted on Estela's health, and let us know of more specific needs. I think for many people it is easier for them to understand a specific need (and want to meet it) than to just write a check monthly.
We are so glad that we are partnering with you on a monthly basis, but also want to be involved in meeting specific needs as they come up.
Love you LOTS!
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