I have no idea what lies ahead but one thing I do know it God is faithful. Through the good and the bad, He is there and He always keeps His promises.
Once again I want to take this opportunity to thank our partners. We are here because of your obedience. We understand the sacrifices you are making and we appreciate it more than you will ever know. We know what you give has nothing to do with us and everything to do with Jesus- and He knows that too. Thank you for extending your love to reach those in Guatemala. As we walk in faith we know you are by our side living out yours as well.... living out The Word. We love you all and we are so thankful to working along side you all for His glory.
Next time I post it will be from Guatemala...
Until then... adios amigos. ;)
So VERY excited for all God is doing in and through you!
Be blessed :)
Will be praying for you and your precious family!
Adios! ¡Vaya con Dios!
WOw I am just so excited for yall and have had your family on my mind all day!! praying for you! have safe travels and we will see you soon!
I am so excited for you and am praying for you all!
I am so excited to follow your journey as I have a daughter from Guatemala as well. Your family will be on our daily prayer list:)
Adios and God's speed.
Wow, hard to believe but by the time I read this, you are probably already in there.
Be blessed and will be praying for you...and looking forward to your updates.
Well, tomorrow begins your new faith walk and I for one can't wait to see how God blesses your family! We are keeping you in prayer! We love you all!
Isaiah 26:3
i love this picture!! :0) and i will be praying for you--you're right....god has his hands allllll over this!! be safe!
Boo hoo!! I am sad but those in Guatemala will be happy!! :)
Praying for you and your family as you begin this amazing Godventure!
Oh sweet Amy, I can't believe the time has come. I miss you so much already and can't wait to see you in Guatemala. Love you to a million pieces..
Praying it's a smooth trip and God uses you MIGHTILY for His kingdom!
I am so excited to read that your family is heading out to your God-sized mission field! Praying for you guys and can't wait to read what lies ahead in Guatemala...blessings to your family!
Love and prayers to you all! :)
Amy and Family, we love y'all dearly and are gonna miss you fiercely. We WILL come stay with y'all on a short-term mission trip just as soon as possible. It'll be amazing to be extra hands and feet serving Him alongside the Blocks, even if it's only for a week. If Travis and Keegan ever need anything while you're away, please holler. We'd be honored to help in any way. And, if you get a hankerin' for some Texas food/spices/mixes or anything you miss that we can get for you, please let us know. We'd love to send you some care packages full of all things Texas, with lots of love! Have a safe trip and keep your eyes on Him. You've got lots of people around the world lifting you up in prayer. I know this won't be an easy transition, but it'll be worth it, as you know. May God pour out His abundant blessings upon you as you serve Him, and may He gift you with the ability to speak and understand Spanish in a way that gives all glory to Him. Love y'all! Big Hugs from every one of the Pattersons!
I can remember writing down your family's departure date months ago, and as I looked at my calendar I get chills knowing your family will be on the plane tomorrow! I have been following your blog (since the rice and beans challenge), and I've been praying for each of you as this day has quickly arrived. May the Lord bless each of you immensely as you follow where He leads and may each of you grow to love Him even more. Leave in peace knowing you are covered in prayer!!
So excited to follow your journey sweet friend.
Prayers for a safe trip and looking forward to seeing the mighty plans the Lord has for your family.
Praying for you guys! So excited to read about your work once you get there.
Tears of joy for you today. Tears of sadness that we won't see you on our next road trip to TX.
We LOVE you all so much, and will keep you in our PRAYERS!!!
Laurel :)
SO excited for you guys and the wonderful adventure you are going on with God! Can't wait to hear all about it. Will be praying for you!
blessings to you and your family!! God bless!
I don't think I've commented before, but I HAD to tonight!I DO follow your blog and have for a long time. I want you to know that I will be lifting you & your beautiful family to Our Lord Jesus every day! I am SO proud of you and what you are doing to Serve Him! Know that a Sister in Minnesota loves you all! I look forward to following your journey!
WHY am I crying??? Silly me! Go and do His Works! Much Love ~ Jo Moseley
So excited for you guys, and can't wait to hear about your new adventure with God! Will be praying for you all!
So so excited for your family, thanks for letting us all follow along on this exciting journey!!!
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