But living here makes me realize more than ever just how blessed we are. As I look around me, I see the evidence of just how hard life is for some. We are finding out that it is actually more expensive to live here than in America- which makes me wonder how many of these people survive. The gas prices are over $4.00 a gallon here and the groceries at the grocery stores are higher as well. And so for our family it is more economical to shop in the market- which is a whole new experience in itself.
It used to be nothing for me to hop in our car (here we do not own one yet) drive down our relatively smooth road (they are anything but here) and head to the grocery store where I would fill our cart full of things we 'needed' (here we get what we can carry). I remember grumbling about the smallest things because I had come to expect things to be done a certain way and be done right...
Oh how the Lord is teaching me.
It's a whole new way of life here... and we are taking it one day at a time, learning our way... as we begin to fall in love with the beautiful country of Guatemala.
AHH so beautiful!! Love watching your journey. Keep updating :) How are all the kids doing with the adjustment?
Your post sounds just like how I've felt here in El Salvador! We are kinda neighbors! I have been here for 2 months and have one more month to go! I know how it feels although I do NOT know how it would feel to bring my WHOLE family here for good! I have the chance to maybe be here for good and it's scary! But I love it. I'm working in orphanages and special need centers. I know you are loving all the children that you are getting to know! I promise that you are gonna be blessed by them way more than you are blessing them! Not an insult, just the truth! haha. These kids have changed me way more than I have changed them! Keep doing what you're doing! You're making the Lord proud! :)
Seeing the little ones in the post from Saturday reminds me of just over a year ago in Ecuador adopting our little love.....
We take so much for granted.
Beautiful, beautiful pictures. I love marketplaces. Can't get those kind of shots in a grocery store. =)
Amy, so glad you all made it safely and that the Lord is showing you His plan. I am feeling some of the same things here in China as we bring our son home. How do all these people live? How can they afford....I have enjoyed slowing down and watching for God's abundant plan. May you and yours be blessed as you settle in to your ministry.
AMEN! one day at a time - allow Him to lead the way and He will grow your heart for these people like you never imagined. Oh how America is so clueless what life is like for millions around the world. Most couldn't survive a week let alone a day living in the shoes of those who walk a mile just for clean water each day.
I love you Amy - you are in our prayers!
Thank you for sharing this post. It has reminded me as well to be grateful for everything I have and not to complain when I think that things here are difficult...cause other places are far worse...and life is so easy here in North America compared to other places.
Great post.
Love your pictures! (except the dead chickens - haha) What an amazing place. So thankful for your servants' hearts and willingness to share your journey.
this post sooooo took me back to our journeys to ethiopia and made me wonder, again, what it would be like to live there. i am hanging on your coattails for more posts. love that you took this huge leap of faith. so proud to call you friend. thank you for setting an example for us all. big hugs and many blessings.
Beautiful photos. I love the one of the people in the market. What beauty God created in diversity.
How are the kids adjusting?
Seeing you pictures makes my heart so eager to be in Kenya. 8 months seems so far away but I know it will FLY by.
I am so happy for you all! You are on such an amazing journey!
So very true Mrs. Block. These pictures are gorgeous and make me miss Guatemala so much.
Such an amazing journey already. I've been on a few mission trips but can't imagine what it's like to live in one of the places I've been. I can't wait to keep reading!
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