and apparently so are we. :)

****Did want to clarify- we are moving... but not to Guatemala just yet. (I wish). We are moving into a rental that a sweet friend of ours owns until we raise enough monthly support. :)

For sale by owner...
for one week...
nothing but a sign in the yard...
first showing...
in this market
in this economy
nothing but God.
****Did want to clarify- we are moving... but not to Guatemala just yet. (I wish). We are moving into a rental that a sweet friend of ours owns until we raise enough monthly support. :)
Amazing God!!!
Praise God! So happy for you! I love your family so much and my heart is overflowing with joy watching our amazing God leading you on this wonderful journey. Thank you for sharing it with all of us.
Much love!
Wow! Congratulations! :)
WOW. When He Moves, He Moves!!
Hugs and Prayers and a big ol' CONGRATULATIONS!
WOW!!! That is amazing.
wow, I love this!
praising God!
Wow, Congrats! God is definitely leading you! Isn't He good!
Wow, love that! Glad you are obedient to His calling. Can't wait for updates from Guatemala
So excited for you!
We are waiting for God's big MOVE for our family ...
... a job?
... a new place to live?
... the sale of our home? (that was on the market for 16 months without 1 single offer).
Praising Jesus for ALL that He is doing in you, and through you. Keep walking in His ways, and He will direct your paths.
Awesome! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
Oh my goodness!!! God is good!!! I'm praying for the same miracle for us. Congratulations!!!! Monthly support will be raised in NO time!!!! Guatemala or bust!!!
Only God! Congratulations on the next step on His path.
So very cool!! What a wonderful confirmation that you are walking in the way He desires!
That is AMAZING!! Praise HIM for his provision! We have had our house on the market for 90 days!
So thankful the Lord moved this mountain for your sweet family!
Incredible!!!! Talk about confirmation! SO excited for you guys and the ways God is working. :)
God is faithful
Wow, that's amazing.
wow...God is just too awesome for words. Praying for you guys and SO excited for you all!!!
praise GOD! yes, HE IS MOVING!
Yay!!! We have been praying for this. So excited for you. :) Guatemala is getting closer!
YEAH!!!!!! That is ALL GOD!!! WAHOOOOOOO :)
Amy, we have never met, but I have read your blog for awhile now. Your family is a joy to "watch." Your words are convicting, encouraging, challenging, and full of love and grace that clearly overflow from our faithful and loving God. So excited that God has called you to Guatemala and that He is getting you there, one giant step at a time. :)
Oh wow...that has to be a huge confirmation to your hearts! Hopefully not too much longer and you will be on your way to Guatemala.
ONLY GOD!!!!!!!
God of mircales, my friend.
I knew it and I knew it!!! Love ya and I am so happy. God is so in this plan its not even funny. Now mountains need to be moved for the monthly support to finalize.
Praise God!! I am just so touched and moved by your family's neverending reliance and trust in God and how amazing He continues to show you favor and confirmation that your are doing what is right! I cannot even find the words right now to how much I adore your family (even though we've never met!) and your love for Christ. Praying that God opens the flood gates for that monthly support.
wonderful...absolutely wonderful! Thank you less "worry"!
Praise God from whom all blessings flow...Congratulations.
I'm so not ready for you to move...but God is! :)
How wonderful Amy! One step closer :)
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