I can honestly tell you that they absolutely adore their little brothers and sisters and LOVE spending time with them.
The only concern I can remember any of them ever having was when our oldest son, Travis, (who is in college but home for the summer right now) questioned how it would be to have a sibling 19 years younger than him. He was afraid that he really wouldn't have the chance to get to know Havyn like he does his other siblings.
I loved that he cared enough and wanted to be able to be a part of her life. As he and I talked, I agreed-their relationship will probably not be the 'normal' sibling relationship- but that it can be special in it's own way. I have found in my life that doing things a little bit differently than everyone else isn't such a bad thing anyway. ;0)
So, while they may not be like 'typical' siblings and fight over toys~ they have found their own way to bond...
and it's beautiful.

OK, how precious is that?
goodness tears of joy!
Love you!
That is one of the cutest thing I have even seen. It is beautiful to see how your sweet son is bonding with the baby!!!! Enjoy the summer with him! :)
too cute...love the pic, kristi
So awesome!
Our one bio. son has had a few more "issues" w/ us adopting b/c the children we've adopted have all been much closer to his age and have definitely added more stress and change to his life. However, he has a clear and strong faith that this is what God has called us (him included) to do and he faithfully (and sometimes tearfully) suffers the hardships as well as enjoys the blessings. God has used it in his life to refine him in so many ways. Me too!
You have the coolest kids Amy.
Have you read One Million Arrows?
I already KNOW you are an Arrow-sharpening family! :)
(see my blog post)
love to all of you,
That is just the sweetest thing I've ever seen. What a fantastic young man you have raised!!
I loved this post! My parents have six kids ranging in age from 46 to 20. It was awesome having big brothers and sisters that had their own families. In fact when my mom had the last baby she already had five grandchildren and she was pregnant at the same time my sister and my sister-in-law were. I have neices that are more like sisters and I have siblings that are more like aunts and uncles. We don't really know what to call everybody but we are a very close happy family and that's all that counts. Your little ones will love having much older siblings!
Please tell Travis that my oldest of 12 children is 17.5 years older than my youngest. The eldest moved out when the youngest was just 5 months old.
Even though the eldest has actually live out of the state and out of the country for 5 of the youngest 8 years ... they have the absolutely most amazing bond. Seriously, unimaginable! So, so special.
Watch out! That little girl just may have big brother wrapped around her finger in no time. :)
Holy Precious-ness. I love that!! Your Travis is BEYOND awesome and little Miss Cute is so blessed have a big bro like him!
What an awesome big brother! He'll make a great dad someday too! :)
If it helps, I'm 18.5 years older than my youngest brother. I've never lived at home with him except for summers while I was in college. It's definitely a different relationship wtih him but still very special.
What an awesome big brother! He'll make a great dad someday too! :)
If it helps, I'm 18.5 years older than my youngest brother. I've never lived at home with him except for summers while I was in college. It's definitely a different relationship wtih him but still very special.
What an awesome big brother! He'll make a great dad someday too! :)
If it helps, I'm 18.5 years older than my youngest brother. I've never lived at home with him except for summers while I was in college. It's definitely a different relationship wtih him but still very special.
That's too cute!!
Just let Travis know that my oldest sister is 16 years older than me, and now that we are 38 and 22, we're closer than ever! So even though he may not be around as much as he'd like, there will be a day when it all levels out :))
I know. That was Danica's concern also, the age difference. Amazing how God works in our kiddos, isn't it:)
oHHHHH I just love that picture. What a great big brother. I have to share ... my youngest sibling is .... are you ready .... 37 years younger than ME!!!! He is only 7 months old. Sometimes it's a little different and we will certainly have a different relationship than I do with my other siblings but it sure gives us all something to talk about at those really boring family dinners ;) hahaha, just joking there is obviously nothing too boring about my family.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this!!!
She is so adorable. They are a cute pair.
When my daughter saw Havyn she said,"I think that's Micah's twin!" She's convinced they are related.
Havyn has a special place in our hearts as well.
That is just too cute!
I love this picture! My oldest, who is 19, is 16 years older than our youngest, who is adopted and I love when he holds her safely in his arms. He has taken her to the movies, to toys r us and he'll take her for walks, I love the bond they've built. Oh and yes the older boys tell me that little siblings are also chick magnets, heehee!
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