We used Celebrate Children International for Havyn's adoption. I cannot say enough good things about them. Several friends we know have used them and had wonderful experiences as well. Havyn's adoption went extremely smooth and actually moved quicker than we thought it would. CCI was there through it all answering all of our questions and we really feel they went above and beyond what we expected. The director Sue was professional and we could tell truly cared about the children and families she worked with. She obviously pours her heart and soul into her work and we are forever grateful for what she did for our family. I cannot recommend CCI enough.
While in Ethiopia there were several other families adopting through Celebrate Children International staying at the same guest house as us. There was one precious family who were adopting 2 three month old babies ,a boy and a girl, and they had been Havyn's crib mates. The husband was a pastor and we just fell in love with him and his wife. They were able to meet their daughters birth mom and spend some time at the orphanage. That was such a gift to them to get answers to be able to share with their daughter one day. Because of them we were able to find out a lot about Havyn's birth father (her birth mother died during child birth) and we are going to get a picture of him for Havyns life book. The orphanage director told us that her birth father knew about our family and had seen our photo when he showed up at court to relinquish. It meant to so much to me to know that he was happy about where his baby girl was going. Havyn's birth father named her Meneyahush- which means "I expect good things in you". I love that gift that he gave her.
Havyn Menayehush- we love you with all of our hearts and we are in awe that God allowed us to be your forever family. We do not take this privilege for granted.
Thank you CCI and Sue Hedberg for all that you have done for our family. We know your job is not always an easy one and we know you do not always hear it said- but we appreciate you. Thank you for the long hours you put in to make sure these children find their way home.
What an awesome God we serve!
What a beautiful story to share with her later!
Love and hugs,
congratulations!! it's so much fun to follow your story of life...and then to have this beautiful unexpected surprise of little Havyn!! What a beautiful name too
Many blessings to you!!
She's breathtaking, what a blessing!
She is so adorable and I am glad that your experience with CCI went so well!
I am just loving these God stories surrounding Havyn joining your family. All glory to Him!
call me crazy but I think she looks like her big sister Addisyn! But of course with chocolate colored skin instead of vanilla! :)
Havyn is a beautiful and blessed girl but you, as parents, have another blessing added to your family. Congratulations!!!
"i expect great things in you"...what an amazing legacy! she is absolutely beautiful.
i've heard nothing but good about cci as well. so glad for your great experience.
She is stunningly beautiful and I love the name her father gave her. I know you must be relishing every moment with her.
WOW!!!!!! Surprise, you and your family are so encouraging! Congrats
She is beautiful and what a special story she has too!
AMAZING!!! Love those pics- she is just sooo beautiful!
thats beautiful!
Oh Amy...could she be more perfect. I am so happy for you and your family...so glad you were blessed with a sweet little one to hold.
This is such wonderful news about how your beautiful Havyn's adoption went. Situations in Uganda right now are very strange compared to reading about your pleasant time. God Bless...I would have loved to adopt children and now at 62, I only pray for families and send funds when the Lord leads...
How wonderful to read your story and see those beautiful and handsome faces..
Love in Him,
Sandy in NC
What a beauty!! Would love to know more about cci... :) I'm guessing because you have a current homestudy it went quickly? :))) Blessings!
Thank you for allowing us to share in your joy and God's glory! Would you mind sharing how you pronounce her names?
The Blocks just keep getting more beautiful!!!
Love to you!
I am in awe of you.
What a beauty she is, my friend. Absolutely adorable!
Nice small girl, she's so fine.
Soon she will smile, when she will have understood that you are her family.
What is her special need, she will going better with a surgery or it's for all her life?
I pray for this little girl AND all children who need a family.
If I could, I would also adopt.
It was a dream during long year but it's not my way.
Amy, she is beautiful!! We have used CCI for two adoptions and we too have had wonderful experiences with them. They have a true love for these children.
She is so beautiful! Congrats!
I am so excited for you. It makes me cry! She is absolutely beautiful and I am so thankful you brought your daughter home. May God bless her as much as she will bless you and your family. You are a beautiful family inside and out. I am glad I get to know you even if it is through your blog. Please pray for me as I am wondering if God is calling us to international adoption, don't know if it is my impatience or Him. Pray for decisions made. Love you, Ann
Wow - she's gorgeous! She's perfect! Did you need to wait for a referral? I have some catching up to do on your blog.
She is PRECIOUS!!! Congratulations. I am so happy for you guys!!
She is precious!! Congratulations--I am so happy for you!!
Congratulations! She is gorgeous! Lucy
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