I have heard it said before that Africa changes you.
I totally understand that now.
I feel like I still have so much to process. So much that I need God to reveal.
For now though, I will share with you what I can about our time in Africa in this video.
I do wish though that somehow I could share more... the beauty, the smells in the air, the sound of voices singing, and the sweet touch of the orphan reaching for your hand. Because it's going to take more. More of us caring, more of us willing, and more of us working to make a difference.
I pray that I never forget.
I pray that I never look away again.
I pray that I am big enough to do more...
Because I have to.
They need us.
We need each other.
I LOVE that quote by Rick Warren at the end.
The whole reason our church began - we are available - use us LORD!
Oh how I understand your feelings and all that you shared here tonight Amy!
I pray we never forget what we saw in Ethiopia. I trust God to bring it back to remembrance often to keep my humble and to be a voice.
I love you and am so blessed to call you friend and Sister!
Thank you for this post, I pray that the Lord brings me there one day.
This is only the beginning, trust me. It won't be long and you will be back. Yes, beautiful Africa will be in your heart forever and stir at you like crazy. Thanks for doing such amazing work while you were over there.
Oh, my heart totally skipped a beat! You know it still totally gets to me knowing that you were there with my son. Praising God for using & blessing "just moms" in ways I never imagined! Praising Him, too, that He can even use this crazy technology world to bring Sisters in Christ together to love, support & encourage one another.
Love you ~ Dardi
Wow! I would love to go there and serve those people. What a blessing that you could take your daughter along. Such an opportunity to reprioritize life!
Amen to that! It's why I am co-leading a mission team that leaves in a few weeks. Something about Ethiopia gets into your soul and doesn't let go. ;o)
so beautiful! what joyful people they are....we can learn so much from them.
Here I am, Lord send me!!
Seriously, if God makes the way, we will go and we would love to adopt a wee one with special needs!
Here I am, Lord send me!
Seriously, if God opens that door, we will walk through it. We would love to bring home a wee one with special needs from Ethiopia!
Beautiful, Amy! Hugs!
wow.. thanks for sharing!
Amy, I am sobbing. We've only been home for 1 month and I feel the same as you. Raw! I hope that feeling never leaves my heart and mind. I found out I was pregnant 3 days before I left and so I was not feeling very well while we were there but I almost think maybe God knew I needed some distraction to help get me through it. If my bio kids were with us, I would have never come home. I fell in love with every single child I met. I cried so often. I never thought I would say this because we were feeling pretty overwhelmed finding out we were pregnant (not our plan but God's) and bringing home 2 more to make a total of 5 (I know, only half of your group =) ) but I am already feeling called again. It's just amazing. We all must act. We all must do something. We all can. God will get us through, He will provide the means. We are living proof of that. We did not even have a penny set aside and in less than 9 months, 2 beautiful children are home with us from Ethiopia. Great great post and video. Thank you! Havyn is beautiful.Your whole family is.
I'm so excited for you! We also used CCI for our adoption and they are incredible, Sue, Angela and everyone else! We've just been home since early January. It was an amazing experience. We are so blessed by our 10 mo. old son. Our blog is www.godsaidgetmoving.blogspot.com
I look forward to continuing to follow your blog and watch your family grow!
I found your blog thru my friend, Rebecca. I love your video and would love to have a copy of it and/or any other pics from Celebrate Children's Transition House. I have a little girl there waiting. Please email me, if you don't mind, so that I can add to what little history I will have until I get my hands on her! :) Thanks! Tara McKibben
Absolutely beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing.
Wow...I'm gone for a week and miss a lot of BIG NEWS! :) Congratulations!! Havyn is precious and wow...what an amazing gift from God she is! :) Hugs to all of you!!!
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