For the past couple of years we attended a church that was what you would call picture perfect. On the outside it appeared to have everything you could ever want- and maybe for some it really is. But for us, for some reason we felt like something was always missing and I think it's crucial for people- especially adoptive families to have that place where they fit in.
A few months ago we found a really small church that has that exact thing we have been searching and praying for- BIG FAT HUGE AMAZING HEARTS that accept us just the way we are. And as the video below talks about... "A place where it's okay to not be perfect because there is such a culture of acceptance." This is exactly how a church should be. It's not about perfect music, a beautiful building, things being done a certain way, or perfect people- it's about being yourself and loving people exactly the way they are- even when they are nothing like us.
I am so thankful for this little bitty church and it's people who have more than opened their arms and just accepted us- they have embraced us- our imperfections and all. I am so thankful we finally found a place where we belong. My kids are growing in leaps and bounds because of this and it is awesome to see.
Amen! It sounds like we go to the "same church"!
I love this! It is so timely for me as my husband and I are embarking on launching an orphan's ministry in our church along with several other families here in Utah. We, too, want to create a culture of adoption in our community. I have spent many hours listening to Dr. Purvis on attachment as a requirement for our education prior to approval to adopt through Gladney, and she is AMAZING! I will definitely be posting this as well and passing it along to our newly formed ministry team. Thank you!
You just described our church! I'm so glad you found a place that feels like home where you can all be real with God and men! LOVE IT!
I praise God for my husband's wisdom and gift to teach me how to simply bloom where we are!
Hugs Amy! Praying for all the details before you leave! I'm so excited for you!!!!!
:) Mrs. Michelle
thank you for this. i am just in the beginning stages of launching an orphan ministry in our church, beginning with a prayer-vigil. this was so encouraging, because our church is really small (only about 120) every example that i find online are ministries going on in mega churches! this was an encouragement and a boost! thanks again.
So glad you found a place where you fit.
So happy that you found a church home that actually feels like HOME!!! :) We have been struggling with the same thing for the past 6-9 months and it has been awful looking for the place you just fit and that also provides for the needs of your family.
We found our new church after months of prayer and have been happy for the last two months knowing that a routine has again been established.
Congratulations & God Bless!
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