Monday, February 8, 2010

I have a dream...

I have a dream that one day my teenage son will pick up his dirty socks off the floor without being asked 300 times...

I have a dream that one day my teenage daughter will make her bed every morning....

I have a dream that one day I won't walk into the bathroom and find this...

I have a dream that one day the bottom of my oven won't constantly look like this...

I have a dream that one day my living room furniture will be used for it's created purpose...

I have a dream that one day I will walk into my laundry room and the laundry will be caught up...

But then I remember that I am living my dream...

And living my dream includes the messes left behind as they run through the day chasing theirs...

Lord, thank you for allowing me to be a part of that.

image signature


Adeye said...

I have the perfect solution, my friend---move to Africa and get a maid :)

Remind me why I live here?????

Love you.

Kendra said...

I LOVE this!! Dreams lay in the eyes of the beholder. :0)

Sophie said...

I laughed at the pictures because it's becoming a recurring dream of mine as well. It's so easy to get frustrated at all the messes left behind but it's just another phase that most kids go through as they mature. And thank the Lord we are there to see them through all the mess making.
Blessings :)

Sophie said...

I laughed at the pictures because it's becoming a recurring dream of mine as well. It's so easy to get frustrated at all the messes left behind but it's just another phase that most kids go through as they mature. And thank the Lord we are there to see them through all the mess making.
Blessings :)

Sophie said...

I laughed at the pictures because it's becoming a recurring dream of mine as well. It's so easy to get frustrated at all the messes left behind but it's just another phase that most kids go through as they mature. And thank the Lord we are there to see them through all the mess making.
Blessings :)

Lisa said...

All so true! Just have to say... Olivia has the same pink on her walls, love it! And love that shower curtain! :) LOL :)

Audrey said...

:) What a sweet post! I am living the same messy dream - loving every minute of it, too!

Sean and Lisa said...

Love it!

I often have to remind myself of the most blessed life I have been given and that those treasures that run through my home making messes everywhere are my dream come true.
God is so good!!
Much love!

Shonni said...

Ohh, that is so cute...I love that last line!

Dardi said...

hahaha...thanks for making me smile & the sweet reminder that we certainly are blessed!

Tanya said...

thank you for this reminder! these years go by so fast.....i need to cherish them along with the constant mess that comes with them!

darci said...

love love love this post! and how cool is t that those dirty socks are next to a teen study Bible? :)

Miracles from God to us! said...

wow I went back to read some of your blog. Wow just makes me want to cry all of the orphans. Can I ask what country you adopted your two little boys and what agency you used? Thank you for your heart for the orphans! I pray that God will open the doors for us to adopt again. Praying about Mexico or AFrica or both who knows!

God Bless, Heidi

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

This comment is sooo true!!!

Love the floating heart idea :)

Holly said...

That's not really the dream you think it is...I have it too...but one day, those dreams WILL come true and our house will be silent...devoid of giggles and pitter pattering.
So we embrace the messes :)

Kimberlie said...

I was gonna say "Dream on sister! You won't have all of those dreams as long as you have kids under your roof." But I love the last one - about living your dream already. I get way too caught up in the "daily grind" of keeping house that I forget some days to really enjoy my children. :)

Andrea Hill said...

Awhh, loved the living room picture and my little boys! They even have food to eat in there. Ugh I need to get a life and let my kids eat in the living room! But it's so true, what would love be like without having all of the above thing you described.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! I love Addy's bed covers!

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be nice to have everything done? Then we could sit down with a glass of iced tea and a magazine. The house would smell devine and I would be bored after about 20 minutes! LOL Thank God for kids to clean up after!

SiLa said...


Anonymous said...

Enjoy every minute of it. I would love to be back when I was telling you and your sisters to clean up the mess. Now everythings clean and I wish I had little ones to do for. It will come sooner than you think.

Love, Mom

Gretchen said...

I am living my dream as well....but I sure is messy all the time!

Anonymous said...

We are chasing those same dreams around here every day too! It is actually something I blogged about today as well.

Sharla said...

very nice reminder - thank you!

Lisa H. said...

You made me smile! We all have those dreams...What we say at our church is "Trade in the "dream" for the ADVENTURE God is calling you to! You've certainly done that and I KNOW you'd say you're having the ride of your life...Me too...! The Adventure beats "the dream" any day!

Lisa H.

The gFamily said...

Awww, I love this post! I try to remember the same thing every day! I am living my dream and if the house was immaculate... some very important people must be missing!! SAD!! The messes are so worth it! And you know better than anyone, it all goes way too fast!! Thanks for reminding me to hold on to these precious times!!


Jennifer said...

I blogged about you tonite. YOu give me hope. Thanks for being an inspiration to many of us. :)


Lindsay said...

Love this! Thank you for the reminder that all of that IS part of the dream!

whenpigsfly said...

I am pretty quick to tell people that our house will never be featured in Better Homes and Gardens, but our names are all writtne in the Lamb's Book of Life. What we lack in picked up socks and tidy bathrooms we more than make up for in love and support. I too am living my dream, even if parts of it don't look like most folks would envision a dream to look. To be living our jsut doe not get any better than that, does it!!!
Malachi is now 21 1/2 and the socks are still on the floor. This summer when he and Sopheak get married it will cesase to be part of my dream and become hers. Think I'll miss that part???????????????????????????? I'm not telling!!
mom to 14, almsot 15 and soon after that, 17.., in God's time

Kelly said...

I have that dream too, until I realize for those things to happen my children will be gone and my house won't be the same.

Crawfordmom said...

I just have to ask...have you painted and rearranged again?? All kidding aside, I am really excited to still read about the exciting things going on in your life and the upcoming things as well. You go girl! Keep dreaming big! Love and miss you!

HollyAnn said...

I love it!!! You are so creative and remind me that I need to take more time to enjoy my life and get back to blogging!