What I didn't know was how God would use this blog to be such a blessing to me. I had no idea how many amazing people I would meet and connect with. I didn't realize how many people who I would meet along the way that would be there by my side, who would change who I am, and who would help me to see the world through a whole different lens. I had no idea how many friendships I would develop, some of who I talk to daily and cherish more than words could say. We laugh together, cry together, hurt for each other and truly care- all through connections from a blog. (you know who you are). For some our lives only touch each others briefly and yet I still go on knowing that this person, their story, left me a little better than I was before.
Some of these friends I have never met in person and it's something I long to do. Yet sometimes God allows me to. Sometimes God works it out so we can meet in person and that is always such a huge blessing. This is exactly what happened this week. This precious woman, Abby, who had been reading my blog (which she had stumbled on through another blog) found out that we lived near each other. So, she called me up and asked our entire family (how brave was she??) over to her house for dinner.
I cannot even begin to describe to you how awesome this family is. They have 3 beautiful children, one who was adopted from Kazakhstan, and their children's joy just radiates from their little souls-obviously a testament to Abby and her husband Mikes parenting. But the coolest thing was how truly genuine this family is. I mean they are the real deal folks- and in a world full of so much uncertainty it was so awesome to witness this family and how REAL they truly are. Because what Abby didn't tell me on the phone when she called (proof of how humble they are) is that her husband Mike is the lead guitarist for the Christian band MercyMe. If you do not listen to MercyMe you are not really living.
Seriously, go out and buy every single one of their CD's like right now- today- or else you are missing something big time.
My kiddo's love to sing at the top of their lungs in the car to their music (well actually, I do too *blush*). Yet not only is their music awesome but now that I know just how incredible and genuine Abby and Mike truly are- it makes worshiping the Lord to their music all the more sweeter. I'm going to be really honest here and say that if I were Abby or Mike and I was a part of MercyMe I would be thinking I was like all that and a bag of chips. But not at all the case with Abby and Mike which is what struck me the most and left me once again changed.
Thank you Abby and Mike for opening your home to us and for your precious example. The people you are, the way you live your life- speaks volumes for Christ in a world that is full of lost people.
Thank you Abby and Mike for opening your home to us and for your precious example. The people you are, the way you live your life- speaks volumes for Christ in a world that is full of lost people.
Lord, thank you for this amazing family and for their lives and their realness. Thank you for the music they sing so that we can worship you Lord. Bless them Lord for not only singing about you- but truly living like you live in them. Thank you for Abby and her precious spirit- I see you in her. Thank you for their friendship and thank you for their hearts towards adoption. And Lord, please bless those who too sing at the top of their lungs in the car to their songs for it brings us just a little closer to you. 

What an awesome story!!! It sounds like Abby and her family are "walking the walk" completely!
Thanks again for sharing your life with us!
So cool to connect with others in a "real" way!!
Embarrassing confession: We saw MercyMe in concert, but we actually went to see the group opening for them & thought we'd probably just leave early. I know, seriously, what a dork I am! Of course, we ended up staying (& actually not wanting to leave) & their music was such an inspiration & blessing!
Hoping to share dinner with you someday, too...shoot, I'd settle for coffee! :o) Love ~ Dardi
Love it! What a gift!
AWESOME!!! LOVED this story Amy - what a sweet treat that was for BOTH families!!!
How exciting for you!!! I haven't kept on on my normal blogs lately and I feel like I'm missing family.
I checked your blog because I was thinking about you this morning and your beans and rice. I really want to learn how to cook beans so we can do it sometime but I was thinking about you because of our new orphan ministry blog for our church.
Sometime I might ask you if you could help me do a post on a rice and beans challenge.
I love your blog by the way even though I don't always have time to check it.
How fun!
Obviously, Abby wanted to find out if you wanted to be friends with "just a bloggy friend", rather than being excited to go to the home of a MercyMe member. And ... of course ... since your family is also so genuine and real ... you just wanted to get to know a new bloggy friend.
May you and Abby both be blessed by this new friendship!
:) :) :)
I love blogs for just this reason!
Man, I don't think we live near any cool people like that...(just close to Jon and Kate :^(
Sorry I'm not a famous person...just been reading your blog after you fed your family beans and rice for a month...been thinking we need to start a month of that shh! don't tell.
Isn't it amazing how that happens? Love how God uses people, words, and even the internet for such a great purpose! I have made some pretty amazing friends through my blog as well. Or from reading others.
So glad you got meet them and share that bond.
Thank you for sharing
I LOVE MercyMe!!! (just saw them in concert last year - they are amazing!). How awesome that you were able to meet Abby & Mike! Wow!
How cool is OUR GOD!??
I mean really???
How fun and what a great experience for all of you!
Hugs and much love,
Being a Kaz adoptive mom, I think that this story totally rocks! We have a phrase between all of us adoptive blog moms that we were "blog" friends and then we met we were friends "IRL" (in real life)so now when we are all together at our big Kaz adoptive family fest...we initiate newcomers into the IRL club....it is so surreal to meet your blog friends. It is like you have known them forever...such a blessing! I can't tell you how many times I have made my husband stop on our trips to TX or WI and meet blog friends....he thinks it is a little freaky! ;) You are on the list for one of the TX trips by the way! :)
Praise the Lord! He ALWAYS blesses us when we follow his lead :D (I love MercyMe, btw)
It is really fun when God gives us a surprise like that. It happened to me and my husband ,too, with Steven and Mary Beth Chapman a couple of years ago. Like your new friends, they are the salt of the Earth as well, as humble as the day is long. I was totally blown away by them. I had always loved his music but fell in love with the 2 of them as my brothers and sisters in Christ that day. It was such a sweet gift from God...
How fun for you all!
ps-My guess is that they were blown away by your family as well:)
I just love God. He never ceases to amaze me. His blessings of the abundant life always surpass anything I can fathom. So cool! Next, it will need to be the drummer for Toby Mac so Kaden can rock out!!! :-) Seriously, I pray God will continue to use your blog to speak His voice to people all over the world. Love you!
Another reason to move back :0)
Yay for you guys. How fun!
Love you, friend.
It's a small, small world! A sweet friend of mine who is in my Above Rubies Texas group is friends with Abby and just posted today that she had been following your blog and showed it to Abby! :)
God is SOOOOOOOOO cool!!!!!
That is way awesome. And very true with how many people we connect over our blogs.
Oh wow---what a sweet little blessing along the journey, my friend. That is so amazing that you got to meet such an awesome family. Soooooo fantastic how the Lord gives us such lovely blessings along the way.
that is so so cool! we love mercy me around here (and yes, we blast our music, sing at the top of our lungs, AND dance.) How very fun to meet a blogger friend in real life, and to connect in a deeper way. I wsh I could meet you! (but alas, we live in Saskatchewan...)
Thanks for visiting my blog, cause now I've found yours! The quote at the top of your page nearly knocked me over!! I love it! I'm getting ready to post it on FB and then frame it for my wall! I just wrote a blog about being a family of ACTION for 2010!!! What a neat family you have. Can't wait to read more!
Pretty cool story! I had run across your blog about a month ago, from Christina (above) I think. Today my friend Abby was telling me about this awesome family they had over for dinner and asked if I read the blog about their family. I didnt think I had (I couldnt remember the name! ha!) so when I got home I googled it and realized it was THIS blog that I had been reading! What a small world! Someone had linked me to your blog from my Above RUbies yahoo group and turns out a friend of mine had been reading it too! (I cant take credit for passing it on though like Christina said, it wasnt me! LOL) Just shows what a blessing your family has become to so many people.
That is so awesome!! The pictures are great. It looks like you all had a wonderful time together. I just LOVE this story :)
Now how cool is that?!
Great photos and precious story of a family like yours that "walks the talk".
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,
Awesome. What an amazing gift to get to meet a "bloggy" friend in real life. Your posts always encourage and inspire us! I hope you continue!
That is really cool! You don't hear stories like that too often. What people need to know about you and your family is that you ARE the real deal...not just something you've created in the blogger world, but you really live it.
BTW, MercyMe is amazing and so inspiring, so fun to meet.
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