Monday, November 9, 2009

The Power of Our Example

Often times Todd and I have to chuckle because our children (both the biological and adopted ones) are miniature versions of us. I have caught them more than once quoting something we have said and I have seen how they believe in the same things we believe in. It makes me smile- but at the same time it is such a huge reminder of how everything I do- the decisions I make, the way I respond to conflict, the way I view the world- they see and they learn and they become. The small things- our actions and our words- that we may see as no big deal- really can affect others greatly. In other words- our lives are not our own. Every day we are given, every experience we have, can be used to positively or negatively affect someone else. And I wonder- do we really live each moment believing this is true?

The other morning Todd was lying in our bed reading his bible- something that makes me fall in love with that amazing man that I married over and over again. But what touched my heart even more was when Kaden saw him too. And not only did he notice what his daddy was reading- he ran into his room, grabbed his bible off the shelf, then ran back into our room to read next to his daddy. Seriously does it get any better than that?

One of my favorite quotes that I have on the right hand side of my blog reads: “Preach the Gospel always and when necessary, use words.” I love this quote because it reminds me that it’s not about being able to quote every line of scripture- but being able to live them is what matters most. More than anything I want my life’s example to scream Jesus. More than anything I want people to see something different in the way I have chosen to live. I have not chosen the most popular path, the most exciting career or been given the highest salary. It’s okay if they see my flaws, see my weaknesses- but I want them to know that because of Jesus- and only because of Jesus- there is good.

So as you live this day you have been given- remember you are being watched even when you don’t know it. Remember you can be a living example of Him- you can be what this world needs to see most. People don’t need another super hero, they don’t need another magazine model, sports star or rich and famous millionaire. What they need is Jesus- and you can lead them there.

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"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

I am reminded of that every time I look at what our kids are doing. It seems that all of my flaws are made huge by the repetition of my flaws by my children. The good part- also see those decisions that were good- being replicated.

Allie Garcia said...

So true. The majority of what has shaped my walk with Jesus has been words and actions I've encountered when people didn't even realize that what they were being watched.

Adeye said...

Oh my goodness, friend--it really doesn't get sweeter than that! Just precious. I'm so glad you got to capture the moment on camera. Precious memories.

Mom 4 Kids said...

So so precious!

Kelly said... always your words inspire me and lift me up. Thank you for being real and speaking truth. I couldn't agree more with every word. Have a blessed day.


Courtney Kay said...


Andrea said...

Love it, thank you for the reminder, and the example.

BrandiB said...

It's always interesting to sit back and watch my girls play house and see how they interpret the roles of mommy and daddy. It has definately caught my attention to things that I shouldn't do anymore they were paying attention too and also things I was so proud they picked up on! Great post about being a positive example for your kids and everyone.

Cari said...

I agree! The other morning I walked into the kitchen to find my husband sitting at the table reading his bible with our 9 yo right next to him doing the same thing...(and reading isn't his favorite, but he just wanted to be like dad). So cute! I should have taken a picture.

Dardi said...

Amen!!! :o)

Bonky's Mom said...

True! Cute pic!

Bethany @ Our 4 Sons Plus 1...Super Cute Girly Girl said...

That is a wonderful sight to behold! So precious!

Anonymous said...

Tears!...but good tears. love you guys to pieces!

Holly said...

yes...I do think that Josiah tends to think more about orphans because it is part of our daily life at home...sometimes I feel badly about he should not bear a burden for them..he's just a baby and then I realize that he has his FATHER's heart and I WANT that for him.
Read my Tuesday post...this will make more sense. it is so late and I have been beading and beading and I must go to bed..trying to catch up on my best peeps' lives :)

Anonymous said...


Missing the Block Family daily...


Anonymous said...


Missing the Block Family daily...


Anonymous said...


Lisa H.