Nope-it's National Delurking Week again.
Well, in all honest- I'm not even really sure when National Delurking Week is or if there really is one.
So, I took it upon myself to decided that today would mark the beginning of National Delurking Week- on my blog anyway.
So, here we go.
Come on- you can do it.
Click comment and then tell me a little something about yourself. Introduce yourself. Say hello. Tell me why, or how, out of all of the blogs in this entire world you chose to stop by mine.
Can't wait to 'meet' you! :0)

Not sure how I got to your blog but now I am a follower! My hubby and I have 4 bio kids and praying for more...either biologically or adoption! I am adopted so I am very passionate about adoption! Please don't stop keeping it real! ~DIANA in TN
Too cute!
I am Jen--I have been following for a few months. Not sure how I came to find you-most likely someone said something about you or listed you as their favorite-so HERE I am :)
Saw your lovely family and I am here to stay.
You encourage me. Thank you!!
I have desired to grow our family larger for years and years and I am praying that God allows that to happen.
You are just too cute!
Love this idea!
xoxo Jill
i'm jaime. adoptive momma. military wife. head over heels in love with our Father.
I find your blog to be very inspiring! Have dreams of growing my family larger through adoption. My husband, however, does not share my dream.:( I am totally devoted to the vows I made him many years ago so I plead with God to change his heart. Yet I want God's will not mine to be done. Over a decade ago I prayed that God would bless my husband and I with a special needs baby and he answered. We have a wonderfully gregarious boy with William's Syndrome and since have added to the clan twice. But my heart cries out for the motherless - especially those who are the least of the least and suffer from disablilites.
I am very excited for you and your newest addition! Thanks for blogging!
Hi Amy!
I do comment occasionally because your posts are so inspiring. I love your heart for adoption and all things "simplified".
I cannot remember how I came across your blog. We adopted our son from Kaz and blogged the whole journey. We have since gone private since mostly only the gparents read it anymore. :) Which reminds me, I don't know if I put you on the list...we have emailed before but I will have to check.
My parents, sister and family live in TX so I imagine that is another connection we have...My aunt and Uncle also go to Abby's parents church which may be how I found you...who knows! :) I would love for our paths to cross one day so we could just sit down and compare stories!
So there, is that enough de-lurking? :) Karen
Not quite a lurker--but wanted to stop by and say hi anyway :)
Such a sweet idea.
I somehow ended up on your blog by following links on other blogs.
I currently have 5 kids...3 of which were gifted to me through birth and 2 who were gifted to me through adoption(Ukraine & Serbia). I'm leaving on Friday to go to Bulgaria to meet 2 boys that we're in the process of adopting.
I enjoy your blog and your heart for adoption.
I'm not even sure where I found your blog, but I have been following for a while. We have been blessed and inspired by your courageous, Christ-following family. We are adopting from Ethiopia, and have now raised all our money. We are helping another family to raise money now by selling our Go Seek Love T-shirts. It is such fun to "pay it forward"!
I found your blog from reading the Riggs family blog which I think I found a long time ago when another blog I follow had a praying for Abbey button that I clicked on. I like the way you put things and so I check in from time to time.
Me, I'm a 30 something single mom hoping and praying to adopt a child from Russia. I have a special connection to Russia, as I spent time there when I was younger. I have a 3 year old gift from God who, among countless other special gifts, has Autism. He is the best thing I have ever been given. I am an only child and do not wish my son to be.
Thanks for your inspiration!
God bless!
Gretchen in Atlanta
Hi, been reading your blog since you went on the beans and rice diet :^) I am a mom blessed w/ 5 almost 6 children, 3 born to us and 3 born in our hearts.
I'm a mom, wife, quilt maker, EMT, and CPR instructor.
Thanks for writing, I did not yet take the plunge to have a blog of my own.
I'm katie, I'm 19 years old, and I'm a college student in Texas. I just like reading about families that adopt. I have a blog too:) You should check it out sometimes.
Hi Amy! My name is Tessa and I am a mom of one awesome little boy named Jonah. I have commented before, and found your blog through Angel's "The Voice of Adventure" blog. I first read about your journey when you were in the process of adopting Kaden, and then you had to go private so I wasn't able to read for awhile. I enjoy reading about your incredible faith and surrender to God's will for your life. You challenge me! I would love to chat with you sometime about how you have adopted both Kaden and soon Carson - because my husband and I would like to adopt a toddler from the foster care system, but it is very difficult to do in our state. It typically takes until the child is 5 years old to have parental rights terminated. We have a long story attached to all of that, but all this to say that I would love to talk to you sometime about the possibility of adopting a younger child from foster care.
Now I am officially delurked!
Hi! My name is Tanya and I have been a "stalker" since the beans & rice challenge also (from Emily's blog--solio de gloria). We just adopted a toddler boy from Ethiopia 3 months ago. I am enthralled with your family (and many others I now stalk) due to the large size, your large heart for adoption, and your love for Jesus. I am truly inspired every time I read your post. Thank you for all you do for God's kingdom and His precious children!
we've shared several emails, announcing the wonderful news of our little ones! I guess I'm not just a lurker but I follow your blog, I admire how you write and put things into words. I love your passion for your children, your husband,children you have never met yet, and above all our amazing God! Sometimes just reading your blog can lift me up for the day. Thank you Amy!
How did you know I needed to smile today!?! You did it! Not a lurker by a long shot, but you know I gotta say "hi!"
Hope you enjoyed Thanksgiving!
Love & Hugs ~ Dardi :o)
Hi Amy! I'm Valerie. We got together once when you lived in Indiana. I just love your blog and become so inspired by it! We are currently deciding which country God is pulling us towards to adopt again. Logan wants a baby brother and Ava just wants a baby.
I enjoy the anonomity of being a lurker but I'm challenged by your invitation so this is my first blog comment ever. I am a single woman from Washington State. I found your blog by linking from another one and I bookmarked it because of the quote on the top which I love. I have one 3 year old son adopted through the foster care system and am praying for at least one more. I don't have a blog but I love reading them. Thanks.
Hi :) **wave**
Im an adoptive mom and missionary soon to be heading off to Tanzania!! I LOVE to read other adoptive families blogs and yours is one of them!!
I am Leveta and have known you a LONG time through the Dillon lists.I love reading about your children,your love for adoption, and your Christian testimony just shines through.I am so happy for you with the news of your next adoption.I DELURKED now too!
Leveta-Mom to Chad (bio) and Sam 13 and Kaitrin 10 from India through Dillon.
I'm not sure how I found your blog....Riggs Family maybe? Anyway, I just love your writing style and seeing your beautiful children. We have four miracle children, two sons born in Guatemala and a daughter adopted domestically and one "home grown" little boy.
Hi!! I'm Taylor. I'm 18. I found your blog through the Riggs's blog, and I forget how I found that one lol. :) I love your blog because of your heart for adoption and because of the pictures of your adorable little kids :)
I'm not sure if I'm considered a "lurker" since I comment on your blog about once every other month, but I'll play anyway. :) My name is Jaci, I'm a new Army wife in Oklahoma, and I found your blog from some other blog documenting their adoption story (sorry, it was so long ago I don't remember which). Anyway, I follow a number of adoption blogs, mostly to learn and prepare myself since I feel that God has called our family (of 2) to adoption in the future. I love your blog and your family and pray for you guys all the time.
Hiya! Sooo... i been lurking and loving your blog for a couple months now -- and loving it and delurking and saying hi!
Hi! I am Debbie, and I found your blog because you gave me the link:)
I met you when we were adopting our daughter from Guatemala, and you were adopting Aleigha. Your blog is very inspiring, and you have been a great source of encouragement to our family during our last two adoptions and our current one.
I hope to meet you in real life sometime soon!!!!!!!!!!!
I am JG (also). Hubby and I have 1 bio son and I am hoping/praying to adopt 2 more children, a boy and a girl. I follow quite a few blogs thus I am not sure how I came upon yours, however it has been a nice read.
Thanks for the week! Now, re-lurking ;).
Amy, I think I foun you blog from Michelle's blog. And I am so thankful I found you. You are encouoraging, you are inspiring, you are honest, you are an increible mom and wife. I have never been sorry for stopping by your blog. I love to stop by and see what interesting things are going on with you and how I can pray for you.
Take Care,
Hello! I'm Taylor & I'm a compulsive blogger and blog lurker, which do not always go together. I think I found my way over to your blog from the Riggs.
I've hung around, so to speak, because I, myself, am adopted. It was a private adoption at birth. As an adult, I'm always interested in other adoption stories & always happy to talk about mine. I have a biological child of my own, but I nurture a dream of adopting a child too one day.
Thank you so much for putting an honest and loving face on adoption. As a grown, adopted kid, I can't thank you enough. And if you ever have time, hop on over to my blog, I'd love to have ya.
I'm not really a lurker because I have emailed you a few times. I'm the mommy of a 1-year old little girl, hoping to grow our family through adoption and biological births. I love your desire to live a pure, faithful, courageous life, and you inspire me to do the same. And I live in Oklahoma so we are practically next door neighbors :)
Not sure when I started following along but I DO remember that it was BEFORE you could show us Kaden's face. :) (He's GORGEOUS, by the way!!!) Now we wait patiently to 'meet' Carson. :) I am a mommy {in NY} to 4 bio daughters and a foster mommy to 2 little boys {brothers}. We are patiently waiting to add to our family through adoption.
Hey, Amy, it's Serena. I read your blog because I love your family and I miss all my peeps down there in G-town. It keeps me connected.
Hey this is Brandi! Not sure either how I found your blog, but I've been following for the past 6 months or so. I have two bio daughters and we are currently in the process to adopt a son from Korea. Your faith, your family, the adoptions and your willingness to live life according to God's rewards and not man's recognition keep me reading along :-)
Hey Amy- I love your blog. I also can't remember how it found it, but it is so uplifting. We have two bio children and are in the process of adopting a third son from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Africa. Thanks for all the inspiration!
I've been following our blog for about 6 or 7 months. I enjoy reading about your family and how it has grown through adoption. I have four children, but would like to adopt. However, my husband is really not for it because of the many difficulties that can happen. I've also been greatly inspired by your Christian testimony.
Hey Amy! My name is Jennifer. I am happily married to a wonderful man and through a step parent adoption we have a 10 yr old. We are praying for GOD to bless us through a natural pregnancy, and it will be a miracle because both of my tubes are blocked. Both of us want a large family and are COMPLETELY open to foster adoption. I came across your blog from another Fostering blog... Thanks for sharing your hopes and frogging it!! Ps you can visit my blog too: but between homeschooling and life sometimes it doesn't get updated as frequently as I would like to!
Jennifer W.
Hello! I don't remember how I found you but I don't think I qualify as a lurker.. as I've commented before. Now that I've found you- I've learned so much and send cyber hugs and prayers to you all. Thanks for everything!
You are truly an inspiration because of your reflection of Him. Your posts are genuine and show that 'rawness' that makes you connect with so many. I found your blog through another family I babysat for who are an adoptive family and were advertising the same 'every child's right' t-shirt. I starting reading your blog during the 'beans and rice challenge' and shared my brief story of my sister and I working at an orphanage in Zambia. I stumbled upon your blog again and in utter surprise found the same picture I sent you posted on your blog. The rest is history.
I have shared your blog with so many because you are a true encouragement. I appreciate your boldness and the challenging things you say allowing me to continue to re-examine my life in Christ. Thank you for pouring your heart out and the example you set to live for a greater Purpose! Your life overflows with Him!
You are truly an inspiration because of your reflection of Him. Your posts are genuine and show that 'rawness' that makes you connect with so many. I found your blog through another family I babysat for who are an adoptive family and were advertising the same 'every child's right' t-shirt. I starting reading your blog during the 'beans and rice challenge' and shared my brief story of my sister and I working at an orphanage in Zambia. I stumbled upon your blog again and in utter surprise found the same picture I sent you posted on your blog. The rest is history.
I have shared your blog with so many because you are a true encouragement. I appreciate your boldness and the challenging things you say allowing me to continue to re-examine my life in Christ. Thank you for pouring your heart out and the example you set to live for a greater Purpose! Your life overflows with Him!
A friend told me about your blog, the first day I read it was the first day I realized we would adopt some day because my hubby read it too. I come because you are a woman of God, you care genuionly about people and are not afraid to say it here. You have blessed me and my family. Thank you Amy! :) Ann
Hi, Amy. Not really a lurker - I enjoy every single post you write and try to comment from time to time.
I am bio-mom to two, adoptive-mom to two, and foster mom to one. Kids without mamas are my passion :) And I'm active as a guardian ad litem, mentor, and trainer for foster parents. I really love our Father so much and I love introducing others to Him, too, so they can know they are loved.
Thank you for all the time and care you put into your blog. It is worth every bit. xo
Hi Amy,
I'm Merrill. I met your daughter, Mya at Eagle's Nest while visiting my son in April 2005.
I enjoy reading your blog!
Ha Amy I should have done that to my blog because I got some serious lurkers. So I get like 30 hits a day most of them from people that are visiting Lisa's blog and nobody leave comments. Never, never, never. At least people have guts enough to do it here because girl, you got 35 comments today....
Hi there!
Cute idea.
I think I found your blog from reading Erin's. I love reading about your heart for God and so many of your posts challenge me. In such a great way.
Something about me... I have 4 kiddos, 2 bio, 2 from Ethiopia....hoping for at least one more.
Hi! I am Debbie, and I first met you on the Dillon forums when we were both adopting from Guatemala. I found your blog because you gave me the link :)
Your blog is very inspiring, and I love seeing the pictures.
You have been a huge encouragement during each of our adoptions.
I can't wait to meet in real life.
I "met you" through the Riggs blog initially but have since then enjoyed reading and learning about your family. You and I have emailed a few times and I comment every now and again on your blog. I have two Guatemalan girlies and one more that's still in process in Guatemala. We hope and pray that she is home with us soon!
Hi Amy! I'm not a lurker, but wanted to pop in and say "hi" anyway. You are such an inspiration to me. We love your family so much and can't wait to see you again...hopefully very soon :)
I guess I am not really a lurker because I comment from time to time. I love coming to your blog because your whole family inspires me! You keep God at the forefront of your family! You are a servant, teacher, and leader! Your heart for the least of these changes me, stretches me, and melts my heart! I tell others about you and your blog! I link to your blog because I feel that everyone needs to be reading what you write!
What I would really like... for you all to come be my neighbor! Is that too much to ask? HA! ;)
I was just thinking about this de lurking thing this week too!! I think I came across your blog from a friend's about a year ago or so. I've been hooked ever since:) We're foster parents in SD and have 2 bio kids and we're working on adopting our 2 year old foster son through the foster system...maybe in a year we'll be done with the adoption...sigh...I like how you are so real on your blog and the things you write, and admire your ability to follow Jesus and not look back when he gives you kids to love on, without fail. Go Amy!
Hey! My name is Hannah and I am a wife and mom to 2 (soon to be adopted) boys, ages 10 and 16. I think I originally found your blog through Christine at ...I'm not sure. I love the pictures and the Christ-centered family friendly ideas.
I'm Kelli from the U.S. gulf coast. Stubborn Cajun. Survivor in many ways. I can't have children and have always had a heart for adoption but do not qualify for health and financial reasons so I live vicariously through others. You are all heroes to me. I was introduced to your blog by Brent Riggs...aka Mr. B!
I found you through the virtual baby shower when you were waiting for the sibs last year. (Sorry about that falling through.) We've also emailed back & forth a few times. We have 5 kids currently (adopted & guardianship), we are licensed foster parents, and we are home studied to adopt from foster care again & are tentatively matched with a sib group from Texas.
Angela :-)
Hi Amy! It's Lorraine, and up until just about a week or so ago, I was a lurker! Love the de-lurking holiday!!! I also saw "Shelley" on your de-lurking intros, and she's who facilitated the US end of our Serbian adoption recently! I found your blog through Joy Portis' "Blessed" blog. She talked about how her family was eating beans and rice once a week b/c of your idea, and she had a link to your blog. Then I was hooked. (As I told you before, I felt like I had met my Cyber-twin when I read your blog!!! ) I have just now gotten into reading people's blogs, and there are just a few that I follow faithfully, and yours is one of them!!! So glad to have "met" you, and I have some good news to send your way, but I'll send you an email about that. Happy De-Lurking Day!!!
HI! I found your blog from the Olson's blog. My husband and I are in the process of adopting 4 beautiful children from Colombia - hoping to bring them home soon! We love your blog - keep it coming.
Hi Amy,
I truly am a genuine lurker. I've been reading your blog since just before the rice and beans challenge...but have no idea how I found you! It was just God. I love your heart for adoption, your all-out love for Jesus, and absolutely more than anything, your straight-out, here it is, lay it on the line way of speaking the truth. God has definitely used you many times as an instrument in my life to keep me challenged and keep pushing me out of my comfort zone. :)
Hope you feel encouraged by seeing how God is using your blog! Hugs to you!
Lisa H.
I think I found your blog through & saw the rice & beans posts! I thought, what an incredible way to raise your children... to be God-centered, selfless, & aware of others across the globe. So I figured that since I've only been a mother for a little while, I could use the advice! Love your blog! Adopting baby #2 this summer!
I found your blog when you started the pay it forward adoption challenge. I love the idea! I think I commented one time before.
Here's a little about me. I'm the oldest of nine children--six biological and three adopted. I have a sister my age adopted from the Philippines when we were both two, and my father adopted my two step-siblings when he remarried.
I have lived in Ecuador volunteering in orphanages with a program called OSSO. Right now I teach high school English, but I am considering moving back to Ecuador.
Someday I dream of having a large family filled will a mixture of biological and adopted children. I admire what you are doing, so I "lurk" to get updates. :)
Hi!!! I'm Donna from Alabama...two children adopted!!!
Love reading your blog!!!!
I don't remember how I came across your blog, but do know that after reading it once I have checked back regularly on your family! And what a beautiful family it is!
I myself have adopted 4 children (2 older teen adoptions and 2 little guys), foster one and we are currently expecting our first biological child. We have never managed to carry our previous pregnancies past 10 weeks before, so are praying for God's protection during our current pregnancy. We are only 6 weeks along so have a ways to go!!!
I love your passion for adoption and can relate to your multi-cultural family. I think that's why I keep coming back to your blog! I look forward to watching your family continue to grow! Dannon
My name is Sarah, and I am a teen who plans to adopt some day. I regularly update two blogs: is my religious (Jewish) life, and is bipolar disorder and everything else.
Mostly a lurker, but occasionally chime in! I'm a single mom of 2 adopted girls (Russia & Guat) living in Ga. I LOVE your blog. You motivate me to be a better mom. I need more lessons!
Thank you for sharing your family, life and loves with us!
Hello! I found your blog through a friends blog. I am a 19 year old college student from the north that goes to school in the south! :) I am studying early childhood and I am saved from my sins by my Savior, Jesus Christ. I am passionate about children and adoption. I have been reading your blog for some time now and I am always encouraged by you and your family. You have a beautiful family and I wish you the best!
I found your blog through the Rhyer's blog and now I check back occasionally because I find your posts inspiring! We are looking into foster care adoption now (already been through Guatemala before losing our daughter, then adopted a newborn domestically). I like reading about your children and your life.
Hi there! I'll admit I'm a "blog stalker"...hopefully not a scary one though! I found your blog through the "Recovering Noah" blog. I met that family(who is amazing, I might add!) several years ago and re-united with them via the internet this year. When reading her blog she had a post to yours about your pickle jar adoption fund. I cried my eyes out when I read that someone randomly donated the money for your adoption, I was so touched by your story. I was hooked from that point on. I've always felt the call to adopt but reading your blog has made that quiet call seem much more evident. And I love how your blog always inspires me, everyday with a different thought or bible verse! Thanks for being awesome!!!
I'll admit I'm a "blog stalker"...hopefully not a scary stalker though! I found your blog through "Recovering Noah"'s blog. I met that family almost 5 years ago, lost touch with them and then re-united with them via the internet. I've been following your blog since Leslie posted on hers about your Pickle Jar Adoption fund. I was so moved by someone donating your adoption fund that I couldn't stop checking back in to see how it was going. And I love that your posts are always inspirational and so motivating! You've definitely helped spur on my desire to adopt one day, if that is God's plan for us! Thanks for being awesome!
Hi! I hope you all are doing well!!
Lordie girl. Someday when I go public, you will have to do a feature on me. You are one popular girl. Did you ever dream when you started this blog that you would touch so many?
Did you get my email about the bunkbeds? I am thinking I might have used the wrong addy.
Love you
You are hilarious! I love this post!
I follow your blog because it was a part of God's big plan to bring me to my precious little girl!
I love me some Block family. There are people that you know for a moment and people that you just know that you will know for forever. You are forever, my friend.
Much love,
I have been following your blog for awhile... not sure where I found it. I love your heart and feel your blog is an inspiration! Thank you for sharing your heart:) I left a comment the other day on " Stop Limiting God".. I pasted that post on my blog... I REALLY loved it!
lol - i have probably commented once before but i check your blog all the time. i am a foster parent to 2 beautiful kiddos right now ( i also have a biological son) and was thrilled to hear about your latest adopt being through foster care.
i am so excited for you guys!
I read your blog because I love you, Amy and I miss you, and it helps me to feel like we're keeping in touch! (oh and the fact you have an awesome family that I love to read about is a built-in bonus!!) Hugs my friend!
Plain and simple! You are an amazing woman, wife, mother and make us smile, laugh and think!
Hi, I've been following your blog since the rice and beans diet. I found your blog from another blog, not sure which one. My husband used your rice and beans diet as an example of one of many things people are doing to help orphans. This was a teaching for Orphan Sunday.
We have five bio kids and two adopted from China. My heart has grown a lot this year for orphans. Thank you for sharing your heart and God's heart for the orphan.
Now I am de-lurked!
I found your blog in August through the Dubuois adoption blog. I've been a faithful reader and recommended it to others ever since.
The draw is your honest, inspiring and challenging words backed up by the life of love that your family leads. Keep it up!
Im savannah, i am a new teen. I read your blog when i can, and hope to adopt someday. But until then i enjoy your blog!
Hi Amy,
A little late but I had to stop and say Hi. We are a Latino family with a Philippino son, waiting for our daughter from Ethiopia and also her sister from China. I wish the words could flow through my fingers with that ease... well stop by my blog any time, blessings
My name is Stacy. My husband and I had three bio girls, and then adopted 3 siblings from Liberia. Not sure how I came about your blog, but I love it. Very inspirational, and love your heart for the orphan. Can't wait to see pics of your newest. Thanks for the great family blog.
I'm sure I've technically delurked before, but I'm back again.... I think I found your blog from recoveringnoah because she left a comment on mine. I have a daughter who had brain surgery that left her left side disabled. I also like reading blogs about large families (I have 4 girls) who adopt (I would love to someday).
Kelly in SC
I am an adoptive parent to 8 amazing children between the ages of 1-10. My husband and I are Christian Camp Directors.
I love being inspired by others who have adopted, and want to follow Christ! So there you have it ....that is why I love your blog :)
I love the way you are so honest and real on your blog, I have 3 children 2 bio and 1 adopted, not sure how I stumbled upon your blog but I'm glad I did. When I read blogs, and I think "hmmm I could be friends with her" that's when I follow a blog, and yep I think I could be friends with you.I started reading when you got the fab 5 that turned into 4. What a story! I still think about those babies every once and awhile. I'm sure you do to:) Take care.
Valerie from ND
Hi Amy!
I was first introduced to your blog through a yahoo group that we were on together.
I love staying connected with you and your family through your blog.
Hi Amy
Like the post, kind of challenges me to say howdy to the other blogs I tend to wander to :) Thanks for commenting a while back.
Don't remember how I found your blog, but...I am a blessed Momma of 5 kiddos. Four are home-grown and one is hand-picked.
Keep up the blog. It is extremely inspiring!
Oops, I guess I'm a little late with this one!
Hi, I'm Bethany and I love reading about fellow adoptive families and followers of Christ. Your blog has been very inspiring to me! I've been blessed with 3 biological sons and we adopted our princesa from Guatemala in 2008- it was a long, painful, and gut-wrenching experience, but God was so faithful and we finally made it HOME last year!
Stop by my blog anytime!
Hi Amy! :) Not a lurkers but wanted to say Hi to another Mom of seven (I also have 4 bio and 3 adopted!) Merry Christmas from Haiti,
I comment occasionally, so I guess I'm not an official lurker, but wanted to leave a comment anyway. :) I am a mom of 10, all adopted. Not sure how I found your blog, but I really enjoy your thought-provoking posts. Oh..and we tried rice and beans a few times, much to my kids' consternation. hee
I follow... I love your beautiful family and can't wait to have my own
I'm late on Delurking Week!
Hi! I'm Stacy. I have 2 great boys. One is 20 and in college and the other is 7-wait- he'll be 8 in 2 weeks!
We will be going to China next month to get our sweet 5 1/2 yo girl. We waited for over 3 1/2 years and decided it was getting ridiculous.
I filled out the Waiting Child App one night and the next morning they told us about her. I had to pray and think and pray about this totally different idea of the child I was going to potentially get. It was agonizing! Anyway, from November 2 to December 2 we had gone from filling out the app to getting RA (referral acceptance). It was a done deal!
God is so cool!
Sorry that story was so long!
I absolutely LOVE your blog! You write things I think and can't seem to say. I love your heart!
Keep it up!!
What a GREAT idea!!! I'm not a stalker... I try to comment as well..
just wanted to say HI... and I've shared with you about how much your heart beats just like mine... wow.. sometimes it's like I'm reading my own words.. I love it!!
You've had 88 comments... incrediable!!!
Have a Blessed Week!!
I just discovered your blog today, and am starting off by delurking right away! As I read your posts, I am loving seeing your heart for God and His kids. I "discovered" you through my daughter-in-law Shauna's blog, where she posted a link today to your post "Excuses". I'm mom to 5 wonderful grown kids and gram to 15incredible grandkids (one from Uganda, with 2 more on the way. In 2008 I was on a mission trip to Uganda when God clearly asked me to open an orphanage there, and so Redeemer House Orphanage was born. We now care for 15 beautiful kids. I work as a nurse in Oregon and direct the orphanage from afar, but hope to someday soon be living in Uganda, taking care of His kids there. In the meantime, I speak when I can to raise funds and awareness of the orphan problem in Africa. I love my assignment from God! He has truly given me the desire of my heart!
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