So ya, guess what incredibly wonderful thing happened to me last weekend? I had a night AWAY! Yep- just me and two of my awesome friends left all of our kiddo's behind and took a much needed break. Between the 3 of us we have 21 kids (almost 22 if you count the new precious bundle in my friend Kim's tummy!) We went shopping, hit the hotel hot tub and enjoyed being served at a restaurant. It was heavenly and a much needed break for all of us. Brandy (in the middle) has a precious 7 year old son, Andrew, who is battling leukemia (but doing wonderful thank you Jesus!) And Kim is pregnant with her 9th child (all biological). We all go to church together and their friendship has been such a blessing to me. Thanks girls for being there for me. Love you both!!
Who are all those HOT chicks? Count me in next time!
Brent :)
You all look radiant!
Praying for Brandy's son and the newest blessing in Kim's tummy!
How great is our God?!!!!
Hugs and love Amy! So glad you had some time out to refresh and enjoy girl time. I'm off for that alone next weekend with my sweet friend Maria that has been there for me over 13 yrs! Can't wait!
What a nice time! Glad you got a "get away". I'll be praying for your friends little one and their family!
AWESOME! Would to have loved to have gone with you ;)
I am so glad you had this night away! God knows both your needs AND your desires and He delights in you Amy. Even when you are broken before him with snot running down your face, swollen eyes and unkept hair (I'm not saying you look like that but based on your journey...I'm wagering a bet that you have...girl..you KNOW I camped there for awhile) He looks upon you with adoration and love that I can't even comprehend.
YOU, Amy are HIS princess.
Don't you forget it!
I wish I was there dang it!
What a blessing you were able to get away and be in the company of such godly women. I am also thankful for those who watched your great kids so you could get away. I am sure it was much needed.
What fun!
My 18 year old son looked at the pic and thought that you ladies looked way too young to have so many kids. (Does that mean I look old?) Well, I guess it has been 7 years since I had my 10th bio.
mama of 13
I am so glad that you had a night out with good friends. This is so important to do from time to time. Friendships are such a gift and a blessing from the Lord. You all look so lovely and rested. I think the kid count is great! 22 blessings!
Wow..4 posts in one day!! So glad you were able to get away with the girls for a night. I'll be praying for your friend's son.
You and Kimmy are such blessings to ME!!
I love, love, love you both and I had a Wonderful time!...even though I had to RUN to keep up with the two of you... :)
Good for you Amy... you desreve a little break and some pampering... It is great to be surrounded by wonderful friends. I am happy you found some in Texas! doreen
Oh my goodness that picture made me feel two emotions. Complete happiness and relief that you got to recharge with a night out and longing. Seeing you and Kim again makes me miss everyone so much. I wish I could have been there with you too.
Wow! How wonderful! Us mommy's need a break every now and then. My husband, and youngest son will be heading on a cruise in 24 more days. Does that count since I will only have 1 of the 5 kiddos. I don't do anything alone and when I do I feel soooo weird! Hope you had an awesome rejuvinating time!
How fun! You guys look so nice and rested.
So glad you got a much needed break. You sure do deserve it.
Love and hugs!
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