One of my greatest gifts as a mother is watching my kids discover who they are... trying on different ‘hats’ so to speak. Finding their strengths and even their weaknesses. Growing comfortable with who they are- coming face to face with the exact person God made them to be.
Every day, every experience, is a part of our story. Some of those experiences will be good, others will hurt. And yet still, combined they become a part of who we are and who we are to become...
The truly amazing thing about discovering who we are is that it never stops. We are constantly changing and growing in ways we can never predict. Who we were five years ago is not necessarily who you are today. And who you are right now is not necessarily who you will be in five years. But one thing remains constant- along the way, God has been doing very specific things inside of us to help us become the person who He created us to be...
After all, for us, this is a journey of discovery for us...
“Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days, ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” (Psalm 139:16)
Every day is planned out before we are even breathed into existence. So what does that have to do with me or you? A lot, dare I say everything?
There is freedom in knowing God and knowing your place.
You don’t have to be the next greatest whatever. God’s designs are all perfect and you are one of them.
He has a purpose just for you …
We spend much of our time working and striving to please other people or to be a certain way because we place so much importance on how the world sees us, when our only concern should be the respect and admiration of Him.
What a beautiful and truly powerful post!
May all those who have yet to be comfortable in the skin they are in read this!
You are such a funny one! I love all the hats, faces and costumes!
Love and hugs,
LOVE it!!!
This was a GREAT post!
Great post & pics, Amy!
This post is so on time for me and what Andrew is going through at this very moment, thank you.
I love how God uses you to speak to amazing.
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