My sister and I were talking this morning about “church face blogs” and how most people who blog do not always ‘keep it real’. I have a confession to make- I don’t always let you know what really goes on behind the scenes. Here’s the truth- I have my pride you know… and while even though it’s a sin- it’s pretty hard to just lay it all out there. It’s kind of like when you step into church on Sunday- like you are really going to admit you were just screaming at your husband in the car on the drive there to anyone. Nope, you are going to plaster that smile on your face, walk in that door and act like you’ve got it all together. You are going to greet each and every prominent person with a smile in your eyes and a skip to your step- because God forbid they find out you are not perfect. So, I am going to come completely clean here today and admit we are SO NOT perfect. Yep- I yell at my kids more than I should, my house is not always clean, sometimes we have cereal for dinner because I am too lazy to cook, and no I do not always like my husband. As a matter of fact, sometimes he drives me crazy just because he’s in the same room I am breathing my air.
So- just for you today- here is a look behind the scenes… because while it's hard to air your dirty laundry, I don't want ya all feeling bad about yourselves if you too don't have it all together.
Normal Blog post:
It was a boring, rainy day today- the kids are hoping for something fun to do (besides the endless chores I give them). So SUPER MOM comes to the rescue!

And created this amazing go fish game all for free! (went out in the rain and found those sticks myself!) It was endless hours of fun...

Yet when that fun ended I came up with another idea to keep my little peaches happy... We traced ourselves and then the girls colored and cut them out. Aren't they just the cutest? (Just what I need- double of them!)
After that was over- I actually gave them French Pedicures... even their toes are cute now!
For lunch the kids actually made their own food! While creating this amazing lunch we worked together and talked about the importance of eating 4 servings of fruits and veggies a day. 
Sweet aren't we??
Now while all of this did truly happen... I'd like to take you BEHIND THE SCENES and let you know what also went on while I was capturing these precious moments...
This is my teenage son Travis room... can I just admit to you that while tracing bodies and cutting out little fish I yelled up to him, not once, not twice- but SEVEN times to PLEASE clean up his room. He told me he did- and this is what I found.... Need I say more?
This is a picture of the inside of our trash can... Yep you guessed it. Those nice little veggies we talked about being important to eat at lunch- guess where they ended up???
This is a picture of Mya on a time out. Not a happy camper, but this is what happens when we pull our sisters hair and disobey our mommy.
This is my dumplin Kallan- in his underwear, he's STILL watching TV as I blog this. It's after 2:00 and I have asked him 15 times to go get dressed for the day. Maybe #16 will do the trick? (by the way, he has NO CLUE I even took this picture he was so zoned into the TV)
Oh and all the while I am in sitting here in front of my computer blogging... this is piling up.
I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Philippians3:1
Heavenly father, everything I am, everything I do reflects you. I know my life will never be completely perfect until the day I stand before you face to face in eternity. Help me live the life I have now to bring you glory in all I do. Help me to look to you even in the small things- in the way I spend my time and the way I talk to my children. Your love tranforms me daily and I am forever thankful for that. I love you Lord- and that could not be more real.
Mom at least they were clean underwear. Does that count for something? Kallan
WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!!! That's what I'm talking about!! YES!!!
Care I'm laughing so hard my face hurts! That's a blog!!!! By the way....LOVE ALEIGHA'S HAIR!!!
Titi I'm laughing so hard my face hurts! That's a blog!!!! By the way....LOVE ALEIGHA'S HAIR!!!
Oh I love you Amy. I am sitting in my house, that is piled sky high with boxes of "junk" for my garage sale. Normally this would drive me crazy, but the fact that my in-laws are coming tomorrow, makes it harder than normal. My MIL is great, but you could do surgery on her garage floor, without a second thought about germs. To make things worse, I think that my husband threw old Christmas/birthday gifts, that she gave us, into the sell boxes. Yikes.
Your honesty made my day. I want so badly to adopt again, but sometimes reading "perfect" blogs can be so discouraging. Hmmm maybe I should look at my own blog. ;-) Do you think Sami would mind me admitting how may times I have cried because my white hands are having trouble styling her hair? Brnet said I should post a before picture. Yes, it is getting much better, but the learning curve was so hard.
Aleigha's hair is beautiful. Boy that girl can grow some hair.
Love ya,
Oh, Amy, that was a great post! Really enjoyed it!
Ok, for the record, we have pajama days at least twice a month if NOT more, and sometimes more than once in a week!! You saw that correctly in that NONE of gets out of our PJs...for Kallan's sake....for the summer....declare a pj day every so often!! heehee...
I love the entire thing. I sometimes FEEL the EXACT same way about my husband too. Shh don't tell him though! You're a cutie and a keeper!! Blessings!!
Kevin and I are laughing so hard! I thank you for being real. Jesus doesn't want SUPER CHRISTIANS he uses the broken and weak. Thank goodness or I would be out of a job :) So often I have compared myself to you and felt like I fell way short. Thanks for making me feel more human.
Awwww, can I just tell you how much I LOVED reading this post?? I so needed that! lol. And I love Aleigha's hair. Too cute!
I IDENTIFY my sister!!!
HIS power is made perfect in our weakness- thank you God!!
Have you heard the saying that God doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called?
He will give us the grace to get through each day, even days when we feel like failures... and we ALL have those days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for keeping it real while loving Jesus!
Holly from Purpose Driven Family
I JUST ADORE THIS POST!!! ADORE IT!! Way to keep it real girl. Hugs! Angel
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