Today I had the privilege of going to Guatemala City with Felis and picking up the newest addition to our children's home- Kevin.
Kevin is 4 years old and the youngest sibling of 3 of the kids currently in our home- Ever, Jeni and Mynor. Some time back we had asked Ever what his biggest dream was and he said to have all of his siblings together. It was obvious how worried he was about his youngest brother Kevin. So needless to say when we were informed last week that Kevin was found living in another orphanage in the city we were thrilled beyond words. The director in that home was super sweet and also wanted for the kids to be able to live together so we made arrangements for him to move into our home.
It was such an emotional day for little Kevin to say good-bye to the home he had known for the past 9 months...
and also emotional to see him reunited at last with his siblings.
Thank you Lord for your faithfulness... as Ever said, he is now 'complete'. :)
Wonderful news! I'm so happy for these children! It must feel like a heavy stone has been lifted from their hearts.
Amy, I don't even know how to articulate what I feel right now. Humbled for sure. All of them together. All the ways God cares for us, and how much I take for granted. yes, feeling pretty humbled over here. Thank you.
THAT IS AWESOME that they can now be together!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh this is wonderful news. Thank you for sharing. God is faithful.
how wonderful for these siblings to all be together. what a special love they have for each other.
Amy We are so happy that Ever, Jeni and Mynor got their brother home with them. We remember them all from our trip to Eagles Nest and can just see those happy faces.
Mom and Dad
Okay...the lump in my throat is the size of a lemon. Amy. oh my goodness.
I'm just feeling so grateful right now.
Thank you, God, for bringing them back together.
Please hug them for me.
Hugs and Prayers
Amber K
that makes my heart happy...thanks for being obedient and thanks for sharing!
What a precious story of God's goodness in bringing them back together!
Thank you for sharing this story! So happy to see the 4 children together!
Praise God!
Happy happy Joy Joy! Kevin welcome to the home where some of the most wonderful Godly people live. Thank you for sharing his story with us! Friended you on facebook!
I was wondering how they got separated? Are you able to share that information? I am so glad they are reunited. You are living both of our dreams. So thankful that this orphanage has you!
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