Tuesday, December 27, 2011

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Laurel said...

Love the picks.

You are our 2nd friends with an upside down kid in their Christmas pic (held by an older sibling). Love it!

:) :) :)

Kylee said...

LOVE that! Love all those little girls and their big white hair bows! : )

Jenay said...

Yes you are!!!!

Intentional Living Homestead said...


Unknown said...

Oh Amy...you are blessed indeed! LOVE the pictures!!!!! Praying constantly for you guys!

Lisa H. said...

They are all BEAUTIFUL! Love to you!


Anonymous said...

Love this post! You ARE blessed with great kids! Love them all!!!

The Sequin Singer said...

Beautiful pics and beautiful kids

lyn said...

Awww...it looks like you had all of your 'chicks' in the nest for the holidays!

his, mine and ours said...

okay, alllllllllll of your children are beautiful. some of the cutest kids i have ever seen, but havyn....SO STINKING CUTE!!!!