Thursday, July 14, 2011

Please forgive me for the lack of, ahem, real blog posts lately. We have so much to do before we are ready to leave for Guatemala and the clock is a ticking...
39 days
18 hours
19 minutes
and 52 seconds
until we leave for Guatemala.

But who's counting?? ;)

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Unknown said...

OH YEAH BABY! Guatemala HERE YOU COME! So excited for all of you!

Super cute photo!


Lexi said...

yaaaaaay!!! Praying for you all and SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!!

Kylee said...

oh my goodness...i had no idea it was so soon!! How exciting!!

Rachel H. said...

We did that when we were getting ready for Disney World in 2007 except we did paper chains and we tore off each day! :) So much fun!!

Intentional Living Homestead said...

Love the, it seems like just yesterday and you posted about God's calling on your time flies.

Praying for you and your family as you get closer to your date.

Anonymous said...

I definitely AM COUNTING! Can't wait for you to get here!

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

WAHOOOO!!!! You will be in Guatemala just a few days after we get into our new home!!

nates5bs said...

I understand why you're not blogging lately, but I do have to say that I miss you. Miss your thoughts to meditate upon when I get a chance to sit a spell and catch up! Praying for ya.