A little over 5 years ago Todd and I stood on the property of Eagles Nest orphanage overlooking beautiful Lake Atitlan, held hands, looked into each others eyes, and exclaimed "One day we will come back here and serve full time".
But as you all know, life happens. Hours turn into days and day turn to months and before we know it, we become consumed with life that is happening around us.
But God...
As life was happening around us- what we didn't realize was that God was directing our steps for this very purpose. He was bringing people and circumstances into our lives, stretching and molding us into what He had planned for us all along. For this very purpose He created us in the first place- to know Him, to serve Him and to make Him known throughout the world. It makes so much sense to me now- only at the time I didn't realize that was what He was doing.

(photo credit)
And it was then, at that very moment, that I stopped dead in my track (literally) and it hit me.
Here I was giving advice on something I wasn't myself wasn't doing. Because you see, when God called us into full time missions He didn't say 'Go only when you are sure you can do it.' Or 'Go only after everything falls into place.' And, He didn't say 'Go only when you have 100 percent support'.
He just said GO.
The Lord has called us to 'Go' and He has been faithful. For the past few months He has blessed us with the support of so many new people. He sold our house in a week on the first showing. He provided a rent free home for us to stay until we depart. He has done more in our lives than we could have dreamed for ourselves... and so in obedience, on August 23rd our family is stepping out of the boat and onto the airplane heading to Guatemala with 75% percent of our monthly partners.

Our flights are booked and it's time.
Time for obedience and time to live out our faith like never before.
photo credit
To our partners- we cannot wait to go on this journey with you, to show you what a difference you are making in the lives of so many. We love you dearly, pray for you daily and we are honored to serve the Lord along side of you. Thank you for being obedient too.
***And because you knew I would ask- don't forget to GO VOTE for my blog here: Just simply click LIKE. Really, it's that simple.
Oh and you can vote once every 24 hours- and you can ask your friends to vote too. :)
Wow ... goosebumps! So excited for you ... and so honored and blessed to be a part of your team ... :)
YIPPPEEEEEE!!! Can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for all of you..and THANK YOU for increasing my faith, by stepping out in obedience to be totally sold out for Jesus Christ!!
WOW! very exciting! cannot wait for the first report! Praying for all of you!
Grateful and blessed to be able to partner with you on this mission. God used this post to speek to me about my ministry and how my faith needs to grow even beyond what I feel it is. There is always room to improve our faith and trust :)
So excited for you!!!
I do know what it means to step out of the boat ... without life jackets.
God has been faithful to keep our heads above water, just as I know He will be faithful to you.
Love you. Miss you. Can't wait to hear about ALL that the Lord is doing in you and through you as you move to Guatemala.
Laurel :)
WHOOHOOO!!! So incredibly exciting! I can't wait to follow along as you embark on this new journey. Will continue to be praying for you all - hugs to everybody!! =)
p.s: hoping to officially meet you guys someday soon.
♥ Lexi
Awesome and AMEN!
Praying for you and knowing God has some mighty things waiting for you in Guatemala!
Love you all!
Ok! You did again. A year later God is still using your words to convict me about what I should be doing and am not! On the other hand, OH! MY! WORD! I am soooooo excited for you guys! I have tears in my eyes as I think of the joy you have just brought the Father and the love that you all will pour out on those littles. Oh Amy, words escape me. I really wish I was coming! I really do. Love your heart so much! Love you.
I'm in tears. What incredible faith. You've inspired me this morning. And I don't say that often.
Yayyy!!! I remember having that moment when we finally put our hearts & prayers fully into God moving mountains. I think He loves when we take the time to rest in His arms for a bit, but we didn't sign up for easy or comfortable. We signed up to step out of the boat. Can't wait to see how He continues to bless you!
Love you!!!
Yay for you!!!!!! We have yet to reach 100% after 2 year here but we also have yet to ever be short of even a penny. It will come from crazy places but it will come! You will never be sorry you just went in faith! Best way to live EVER! So excited for you!
Will you be able to share info about how we can participate in a short term mission trip in the future?
So much love goes with you!
My husband and I are looking to come to Guatemala next year to see our sponsored child. I wonder if we could stop by for a visit? :)
I am so excited for you all! I was just talking to a friend today, remarking that in the Our Father (Lord's Prayer) it says "give us this day our daily bread..." I have been pondering this lately. God doesn't give us a 1 yr plan, 5 yr plan, or a life plan. He gives us this day what we need. He asks us to walk through the open doors and to not worry for the next step. Hooray for you for embracing this!!!
This was a very exciting and convicting post to read Amy! I love how God has moved you out of the boat and I pray your family will be showered with blessing upon blessing as you take this leap of faith!!!
Voted for your blog, and so excited to follow you on this journey that the Lord has laid before you
Just found your blog from Kelly Cook:) What an amazing story you guys have - wow! 9 kids and off to the mission field ;) I love it! It's just me and my hubby right now and we know we are called to go- just waiting on the Lord's timing- but I must say you guys are so inspiring!!
ahhhh....SO very excited for you and your family Amy!! Thank you for listening to His calling and going to those sweet children of Guatemala. I hope to see you there this winter when we plan to go!! Keep in touch and can't wait to read your posts when you get there! Take care, hugs, Amy :)
How wonderful Amy! I will continue to keep you and your precious family in my prayers. Blessings to you all.
Oh WOW! I have been behind in blogging all month and look what I miss! I look forward to following the new journey! :)
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