Early this morning I sat snuggled up on the sofa. As the soft glow of the Christmas tree lights filled the room, I opened my bible to the book of Luke and began to read about Jesus birth.

Over and over the words "there was no room in the Inn" swam through my head and the Lord began to open my eyes to what He was trying to show me....
Door after door closing.
Person after person shaking their head no.
Voice after voice saying - 'we have no room'.
No room.
And I couldn't help but wonder how many of us are still doing that same thing today?
Because you see, while Jesus may not be roaming the earth today in human form looking for a place to stay-Matthew 25:45 tells us "whatever you did to the least of these, you did unto me".
Mother Teresa said it this way "Each one of them is Jesus in disguise."

Statistics tell us that there are 147 million + orphans in this world today.
A 147 million who are looking for room....
Room in our homes
Room in our hearts
And room in our lives.
If each one of them is Jesus in disguise- and we have no room for them- then have we truly made room for Jesus?
Or could it be that we have No room because those rooms are already full of things that don't really matter?
Stuff that isn't about His kingdom- but ours?
I cannot help but wonder how many of those Inn keepers ever realized that they missed the chance to be a part of the greatest miracle they would have in their lifetime?
And I cannot help but wonder how many of us still do the same today?
great thoughts...
Thank you for this post! We have had a room full of junk for more than a year. Every time I am in it I have prayed for a child to fill it. Hubby has decided to jump on board and now we just need the funds to make it happen. :) By Faith! :)
I just want to say that what you wrote is so powerful and true. I love it.
beautifully written...and very convicting.
Once again Amy, you speak my heart. But, you get out on your blog what always sits in my heart but doesn't seem to come out the same way. I should just send all my blog spots/links over to you. God has blessed you with a gift for speaking and writing your heart and words from HIM.
Thank you for sharing this with "me":-)
Every time I read your posts I think "Let's just start the paperwork." And then I remember that my husband lost his job a year ago and adoption agencies tend to frown upon that lack of income thing. I pray that God has one more for us, but right now He is clearly saying no. Much more fun when He says YES!
Thanks for commenting on our family's blog! I have been reading your blog for some time now and it has been used by God to both encourage and challenge me! That is a beautiful combination! I will be praying for you and your family as you prepare to serve Him and "the least of these" in Guatemala!
In Christ,
Amen to you and ditto to Treasures Evermore!
wow, that was great, kj
Thank you for how real you do life! My heart is ready to adopt an infant girl from Ethiopia. I already have 3 of my own, but God placed this on my heart, strong, 4 times in less than 2 weeks. Now I've laid it at His feet until He softens my husbands heart towards this idea of starting all over again with a baby and making our family bigger...
Thank you for letting God use you to teach on simplicity! I'm currently going back to that and asking the questions "do we truly really need this?" before I buy anything...sometimes it's hard, but most times it's not!
God bless you!
As soon as I saw your title, I knew where you were going with this. And I loved every word that followed! The great reformer Martin Luther once preached a sermon similar to this. Excellent post! Thank you!
Awesome insight.
What a neat thing the spirit spoke into your heart that morning.
Blessings from the North,
So beautiful~ I certainly don't want to miss out on the miracle{s}! Blessings to your family this season~
you are a great writer. awesome post!
I love this post. It brought tears to my eyes as so many of your posts do. I am very passionate about adoption. And was just surprised to find our I am pregnant. I was hoping to begin the adoption process again. And I am not understanding God's plan here. I am having such a hard time with this. I hope your posts light a spark in someone to adopt and give the courage to overcome their fear.
Amazed with you and your family! I am Lisa Kindred from Bloomington,Il. I know your sweet sister from church and she used to work in my husbands church. We have 2 from Guatemala and are very interested in talking to you! If you could e-mail at your convenience, I have a few questions. slkindred84@hotmail.com
Thank you!!! LIsa Kindred
ONE of the ways that God moved us to adopt from Africa was after watching the movie "Hotel Rwanda". At the end, the main character says something like "there is always room for one more." We were living in a tiny house with 2 little ones at the time...but I thought, YES, there IS always room for one more. And we did it. AMEN sister!
AMEN to that! Great post! I truly do believe that people who are not called ~ or choose not to ~ adopt, really do miss out on one of life's greatest blessings! My husband and I have been incredibly blessed in our adoption process, and we have not even received our referral! YET! Your words speak my heart.......
We want to adopt... someone passed ur blog onto me and wow!! what a blessed family you have.
I have 3 boys, 6, 4 and 9 mo- and we are very much interesting in adoptiong in the near future. We have a little bit of debt that we are almost 100% sure will be paid off by the end of 2011- once we are debt free we feel its then time to look into adopting... any information you can give us abt an affordable route to adopt would be greatly appreciated!! please email me drea[at]dreawood.com - also my blog is www.dreawood.com
Thanks for posting ur blog - im adding it to my roll :)
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