Oh how excited you have been for today to come my sweet girl- and now here it is and you are 7 years old!! Part of me wants to scream at time to stop- and yet I am so proud of the smart, talented, strong, beautiful little girl you continue to become. When I remember back to 6 and a half years ago when they first placed you in my arms I cannot help but to be thankful for every single day we have had together. My sweet princess, your life has changed me in more ways than I could ever even begin to explain. Because of you, my eyes were opened wide- and I am forever grateful. There has always been something special about you- this gentle spirit and tender heart. I love how you are drawn to those who are hurting and have this way of making them feel loved. I know God is going to use that gift to bring others to him. So today my beautiful Guatemalan angel we celebrate you and who you are.
Happy 7th birthday. I love you more than you will ever know.
Happy 7th Birthday Aleigha!!! She is so pretty and such a sweet girl. Hope she has a great day!
Happy birthday beautiful Aleigha! 7 years old...I can't believe it! I will never forget the day you came home. What a blessing you are!
WOW 7 yrs old! Happy Birthday to your gorgeous girl!
Wishing you all a very special day together. Her dress is beautiful!
Love to you all!
Precious. Having an angel from Gautemala, I'm especially blessed by this post. Happy birthday little one.
She is beautiful! Happy birthday, Aleigha!!
Happy Birthday!! Hope you have lots of fun being 7!!
What a sweetheart.
A very happy birthday to your precious girl!!
Happy birthday sweet girl. I hope you have a wonderful time celebrating with your wonderful family. May God continue to bless you always!
Happy Birthday Aleigha! Your such a beautiful girl inside and out I love you little girl:)
Happy Birthday! She is just BEAUTIFUL! - most importantly, she sounds beautiful on the inside as well. Hope you all have a wonderful day!
Happy Birthday to beautiful Aleigha!!! Hope you have a wonderful day!!
Wow! Today is my Olivia's birthday as well..she turns 8. What treasures God has brought to us from around the world. Happy Birthday to your Aleigha!
Happy Birthday Aleigha. She is indeed a beautiful angel.
Happy birthday beautiful girl.
You are a blessing to your family!
Happy Birthday, Aleigha! I still have her birthday marked on my calendar and remember her every year on the 20th. I also remember well the day she was placed in your arms! :)
She is absolutely precious! My son was born in Guatemala too so a piece of my heart will forever be there. Happy birthday sweet girl!!
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