Sunday, October 3, 2010
Until next year
Is it weird that I am sad it's over? Going to T4A, meeting so many amazing people who have influenced in my life in so many ways was almost surreal. I learned so much that I am still processing it all. IT WAS AMAZING and such a blessing- being there is going to help me be a better adoptive mama. :) Yet what I think blew me away the most was to be able to worship the one who it is truly all about along with so many others who share the same heart beat I do. To be able to look around the worship center and see hands raised, heads bowed and voices praising the one who created adoption- when He adopted us into His family. The one who was serious when He said "Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you." James 1:27
My family (minus a couple) with precious Christi and Andy from my beloved Lifesong for Orphans.
Me and my sweet, gorgeous Christi U who I absolutely adore!!
Me and precious blogger friend Jenn who is an amazing mama with even more kiddo's than me.
Julie, Tom Davis, Angel, Lorraine and I being star struck by Tom (I am sure he was impressed by our maturity).
Tom Davis, Me and my Angel (BTW if you haven't read Tom's books you have not truly lived)
Me and Angel with adoptive moms, Suzanne and Gwen, founders of the cool 147 million orphan gear. Suzanne and Gwen are absolutely the cutest, sweetest things ever.
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I discovered your blog a few days ago and enjoy it. Could you answer a few questions for me? When is T4A next year? Where is it? It's possible that my family may be interested (if it fits into our schedule and budget). Thanks!
I am sure it was an unforgetable time, especially hanging out with Tom Davis and Karyn Purvis.
Oh Amy!! you met Christine. her and her husband michael were at shiloh when we were. mmm love them!
oh amy! you met Christine Moers. love me some Moers family!! they were at shiloh with us. ahhh such good days.
Welcome home! Sounds amazing! You lucky girl getting to meet Tom and to hang with Gwen and Suzanne! I'm meeting them soon too!
Can't wait to hear what you learned after you process it all!
Love you,
so wish i was there!!
Just wanted to say 'Thank You' for sharing your heart on the blog. I am planning my 2nd trip back to Sierra Leone, West Africa. We are just venturing into this world of adoption via an independent adoption from Sierra Leone - of possibly a group of FOUR kiddos (which will make the household total 7 kids). To say we are scared to death is an understatement! However, we know that God's will will be done and that He will provide. Blogs like yours are such a blessing during this time in our lives. Thank you so much!
Oooh, I am so jealous! I tried to figure out a way to get there but with my husband's travel and childcare it didn't happen this year. Tell us more!!!
Will totally be there next year!!! Sitting in Ukraine waiting for passports to break these boys outta this joint!!! So Close! Thanks for posting the pics. LOve'em...
How awesome!
Oh I wish I had known you were there!!! I was there too but I was beside Christy's booth at the Wiphan table representing our ministry. I would have LOVED to have met you!
Tom Davis!! So cool!! Watched some of the conference online while it was streaming. What a blessing to everyone in attendance, IRL and online!! :)
Hi, I'm visiting your blog for the first time. You have a beautiful family! I love seeing big families, especially big families with adopted children. When I see this, I see children who are wanted and loved...
I so wanted to hug your neck but the only time I saw you was when I was in the Tom Davis lunch Q and A. Next year, next year!
Sooo cool!! Wishing I lived in the south so I could attend. :)
I so enjoyed meeting you and getting to know you. Puts reading your blog on a whole 'nother level! So thankful to share this amazing weekend with so many women like you. Can you email me copies of pics? juliegummATyahooDOTcom
I WAS THERE!!!! I LOVED EVERY MINUTE of it as well!!! I saw you in the hallway once, but I felt like a bloggy celebrity stalker...I can be a little shy sometimes...and you were talking to i didn't want to interrupt. You are a beautiful lady!!! Hope you recover from the week-end...I'm feeling energized and exhausted all at once.
I'm so glad that I got to meet you in person!! You are precious and I love you even more today.
you are more gorgeous inside and out than you are on your blog - was blessed to grab a hug:)
Sounds like a lot of fun I can't wait till I'm older. I wanna go to that:)
nice! could you post a link to Jenn's blog?
Looks like a great time!! I am headed to Hershey, PA in November for a conference. Thanks for letting us experience a bit of it through your blog...which by the way, I really like!!
T4A was A-MA-ZING and so are you my precious friend. God has given me such a gift in you and the weekend was an undeserved bonus. I'll be blogging about what I learned there for months. I started rattling off already. ;-) PS... thinking of going to A night with the Chapmans on Thursday. I SURE wish you were close enough to go with me. How great would THAT be?? LOVE YOU!
I heard you met my friend Laurie! Isn't she a gem?
God is stirring hearts and moving mountains for His children! He is so good!
Heading to China in 8 days oh my goodness!!!!!!!!!!
I am so excited and nervous!
I fear I will lack the words to adequately convey my emotions after meeting this Elaina that Josiah has insisted was real for the last almost 2 years....and I can hardly stand the wait to have them together at last!
That little boy has more faith than most and I am blessed to be chosen to be his Mama!
Email me if you don't have the private journal on JTM that I am using in China...if you have time to check in while we are there!
hey- i know Andy. we just did a camp that he & jill went to! and i love aaron. i've known him for a long time.
small world.
I love your blog! I found it through Christine. Could you direct us to Jenn's blog? You all are such an inspiration. Blessings to you and your family.
It was so wonderful, wasn't it! Jeff and I felt a little like we were drinking out of a fire hydrant for a few days. . . so much to process, so much of God's love overflowing. . . so much.
It was great to finally meet you IRL! Thanks for the bloggy love (posting that awful pic of me! LOL!).
Can't wait to see you next year, but let's stay in touch until then.
p.s. if some of you (above) were talking about my blog, it is
I wish I could post more often, but right now we're just trying to make it through each day with our "Suddenly Large Family!"
I'd love to have you come on over and enjoy the journey with us, though.
Did you get to hear/meet Trevor Atwood? He and his wife are our dearest friends. She wasn't able to travel with him, but our pastor JD Greear and him went.
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