I was adopted at the age of 30 years old into the most amazing family ever.
Statistics show that I was the least likely to be adopted.
I was the child who had waited- far too long- to hear the good news.
I was the child who waited because I had one too many labels, made one too many mistakes, and was viewed as unlikely to succeed.
I was the child who most believed was not worthy of the risk...
not worthy of the effort...
and not worthy of the price.
I was the the child who most people would have never considered.
The child with scars, the child who was dirty, the child who didn't appear to have much potential.
But then one day they told me about The One who was able to see past all of that.
The One who loved me regardless of the mistakes I had made.
The One who saw what I could be- instead of what I was.
The One who thought I was worth it all- so much so that He was willing to die for me.
The One who saw my worth.
The One who saw my potential.
The One who saw what I could be- if I was given a chance.
The One who never gave up on me.
I am so thankful for The One who paid the price for my adoption.
I know it was expensive.
I know it cost more than anyone could ever imagine.
I know it wasn't easy.
I know that it was painful, that it was hard and it was heart wrenching.
And I know I didn't deserve any of it.
But He came for me anyway...
Regardless of what others would say or think.
Regardless of all of the work that had to be done.
Regardless that there was no guarantee I would love Him back.
Regardless of the cost.
And today I am forever changed.
I am no longer alone, scared, scarred, overlooked and viewed as no one.
Today I am a child to the king~ precious, loved, forgiven, healed, whole.
All because of my adoption.
Adoption is the perfect picture of God's amazing grace and love.
It changes lives and saves souls.
Adoption is...
the heart of God.
For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he[a] predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will~ Ephesians 1:4-5 NIV
I'm curious. Was it after you became a Christian that God started speaking to you about adoption?
Hi Gina! Well, for the most part yes- although for some reason I have always been very curious and interested in adoption stories even as a child.
Amen to all of that!!! Well said!
AMEN! Love this :)
Most of all it causes me to remember my adoption. Something we should think about regularly!
Guess what. I was adopted by the same Father! I guess that makes us sisters! :)
I love your heart!
The Amy of James 1:27 stole my comment but that's okay because I guess that makes her my sister, too, and I don't think I'd mind having a lot of those!!! :0)
Hugs and Prayers,
Which, by the way, makes me an Aunt to your kids...WOO HOOOOO!!! I have one niece to five nephews-you just brought the niece ration UP!! :0) HA HA
Beautiful, and a great reminder.
Great post! I shared this via email with a few friends and they wrote back, really? I never knew you were adopted. I had to write back quickly, but it allowed me to share more about my acceptence of Christ!
Beautiful story of how we were all adopted by God.
This was beautifully written. Thanks for sharing.
30? is that even possible or legal? that's amazing. Can we hear the rest of the story? who, where, etc.
LOL Um, no I don't think it's legal but God can pretty much pull anything off ya know what I mean?
LOVE your post! LOVE you! LOVE how God saves souls!
Great post!
Love it! :)
I love the video. I loved how Mya sang "singing in fours is really great." and then Aleigha signed "I love Mya" It is beautiful.I am so inspired by you, your heart, your family and your blog.
I love this! :)
Made me cry. If only the Church understood their own adoption...If Only...
Oh I love you so! At first I was gonna say everyone needs to write about their adoption until I started reading. I wasn't adopted until I was 40. This was so special to read.
Love you!
Took me 37 yrs to get adopted. Then 2 more after that to finally break past my own transition time. He waited. He loved me through it. He was patient. He was kind. He was merciful. He poured out His grace. He gave me more even when I had more than enough. He loved me even when I kept believing I wasn't lovable. He was faithful despite my faithlessness. He held me when the world wanted to throw me away. He is my KING! He is my God! He is my Daddy! And I am His child for eternity!
Nothing can change that fact!
What a gift to receive fully and let it change you from the inside out!
What a gift to see Him do the same redeeming of a child ONLY He could bring into our homes!
Love you!
crying!! that is beautiful! He is so amazing!!!
WAIT! is it a true story or I'm a I being duped LOL
Beautiful post and an amazingly beautiful family!
Love this! It's a truly beautiful adoption story..So glad HE adopted me.
HS- it is a true adoption story- of MY adoption by Christ. :)
hi Gina... im sorry but i could not find your email address anywhere. so i thought i could ask here... i saw a while back (i think feb) you posted about a girl from AAI is that the agency you used in Ethiopian adoption? if so could you email me: keelysteyne@gmail.com cause i have a few questions and trying to narrow down my top 3 agencies. thanks
LOVE this! :) ... sister :)
I love this post, Amy! Soooo very true that no price was too great to be paid for us.
What an incredible post!
I too am doing the pay it forward, I feel the Lord compelling me to pay it forward as we fundraise for our own adoption. i've started a fundraising blog and we're having our first give away to benefit not only us, but our highlight family, the Young family who have had their dossier in Ethiopia for 5 months now.
Hope on over to onelessbrokenheart.blogspot.com and take a look. We'd love have help getting the word out.
Bringing them home, one orphan at a time
Love, love, love :o)
awesome blog, do you have twitter or facebook? i will bookmark this page thanks. peace maria
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