Friday, July 31, 2009

"A faithful man will abound with blessings." Proverbs 28:20

This past week we had the blessing of getting to spend some time at the beach. I love the beach- and pretty much think it's the perfect vacation, all the way around, for a big family on a little budget. Cheap fun and oh so relaxing. I did have to occasionally remind myself though that we do not 'look' like your average family... because any time we go out in public I have to prepare myself for the stares and comments. (For some reason we just seem to attract onlookers -LOL). While we had several comments, it was nice when one man came up to us and told us that 'it was such a breath of fresh air to see such well behaved children' (yep I was so proud of my awesome kids!) Many people commented on how many kids we have (and we only had the youngest five with us) but the one question I am still trying to figure out was when this woman stood watching my kids on the beach for quite some time and then said to me "Are you a church group?" I just smiled and said- "Nope, we are just a regular old family-but we do love the Lord."

She smiled- but still looked confused. ;0) That makes two of us...

Anyway, thought I'd share a few of the 4,000+ pictures I took of my beautiful family- because they make me so happy.


Andrea Hill said...

I too love the beach so much. Your family is just so beautiful and the comments once again are so hillarious. Since my husband is black they don't ask much but they usually do have to audacity to ask me if our children all have the same parents (us) I guess they assuming we remarried or whatever.. And of course I say yes what's wrong with starting all over again or yes they are all from the same blood... Welcome home girl. Glad you had some precious family time away. I loved so much how you had your two little girls match up 2x.

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

Adorable!!! Love those pics!!!!

darci said...

you have a gorgeous family! such beautiful smiles.

Anonymous said...

LOL. Lots of times we are asked if we are a church group, day care, field trip, etc... We have 18 kids, 11 bio and 7 adopted. I have been blessed to read some of your recent blog posts. May God continue to use both of our families for His glory and to bless, to leave a legacy of love.

Laurel said...

LOVE the pictures.

We haven't been asked that question yet. People just assume we're a Day Care.

:) :) :)

Created For His Glory said...

I love, love, love the first one!!!! but they all are wonderful!!! :) We get "are you a church group?" and "are you a day care center?" quite frequently! Sometimes I'll say (if I'm feeling sassy)... "yes and we only take Asian and African American children." LOL! DUH!!!

Unknown said...


I don't understand why people look at us so funny either!

Guess because our kids are so cute they can't help but take notice right?

Awesome photos - the faith one I hope you blow up and hang in the house! That ROCKS! I love little feet!

Love you - have a blessed weekend!

~ Lisa @ AbidingThere~ said...

I love these pictures - that last one is extraordinary!! So glad you guys had a fun getaway.

love2bmom said...

You are so beautiful. Every single one!

Thanks for sharing the pictures of your trip to the beach. Just what I needed!


natali said...

i love the pics of your regular old family :)) your kids are gorgeous, every one of them!

Holly said...


Recovering Noah said...

So glad you had an awesome vacation!! Which beach did you end up going to?

P.S. LOVE the pics!!

Leslie :-)

Arena Mom said...

A beautiful post and a beautiful family!!

Ann said...

I love all your pictures. God had given you a beautiful FAMILY! I think of your family and pray for you. Ann

sarah in the woods said...

Looks like so much fun. And you do have a beautiful family.

Anonymous said...

Loved the pics, Amy! Glad you were able to get away and enjoy the beach. It is great, isn't it? Loved our trip together to the beach! We need to do it again! I thought about you on Aleigha's gotcha day and meant to e-mail you! Sorry! Can't believe it has been 5 years! Love and miss you!!!!

Adeye said...

What FUN! I absolutely love, love, love the beach. I have lived there most of my life. Now adjusting to mountain life certainly has had its challenges. I'm learning contentment :)
So glad you had such a stunning vacation.

Unknown said...

The pictures are Beautiful, Amy. So glad you guys got to get away. I got quite a few comments and stares on our vacation too.

Jocelyn said...

I don't know why I've never commented before, but...
I adore your family and these pictures are amazingly wonderful. You- through your writing-encourage me to push forward in the desires of my heart that I feel God is spurring me on to. I think that your family is amazing in their love for each other. And I think that your committment to adoption is amazing and that God has developed such an incredible heart in you.
With the different kiddos in and out of my home over the past 2 years it I have seen those looks, been asked so many questions... and you know what... I am so happy that it has become my "normal"... that my definition of a "normal" family has completely changed and that the box I had put myself in (that "normal" box I had in my mind) has been blown completely wide open by God's perfect plan.
THANK YOU... I love your blog, your reminders of who we are in God and what we as believers have been called to.

Kelly said...

I am scared to death of sharks! But I enjoy the lake. :)

Your photos are wonderful! Of course those adorable kids make it easy! :)

Bethany said...

Beautiful photos! I'm glad your gorgeous family had a great time :)

Phyllis said...

Looks like a really fun and relaxing vacation. Great pictures of those gorgeous kids. I have to respectfully disagree with something you said you're just a regular old family...the truth is you are an EXTRAORDINARY family!!

Debbie T said...

ahhh, love all the pictures of you and your precious family at the beach! Isn't the beach such a wonderful peaceful, fun place? I could live there and never tire of it. Where did you guys go? Hugs! DebbieT

Andrea said...

Love the pics! Your family is beautiful! We live near the beach so we have tons of beach pics as well.

Joy said...

They are all so beautiful! I know you could just squeal with glee at how greatly the Lord has blessed you. I can feel how much you treasure your family through reading your words.

Doreen said...

Beautiful "happy family" vacation photos!!