Monday, April 20, 2009

For your viewing pleasure...

When you are so in love you just have to share it with the world...

Eat our heart out ladies... he's all mine. ;0)


GlitteryKitchenTable said...

He is such a CUTIE!!! :)

Michelle said...

That is just way too much cuteness for one little guy!

Unknown said...

OK-I'm in love too :) What a doll baby!

Hannah said...

Wow. He is a breath-taker!



Shonni said...

He is SOOO adorable!!!!

Jenny said...

I found him first!!!!!!!!!!

Live to love and laugh said...

Wow He is so cute. I adore the pictures with his hands in his back pockets.
He is defintely a guy with character. It is written all over his face.

Unknown said...

He is such a doll! Oh and does he know it!

That boy has got it going on - praying that he uses that going on all for His glory!!!!

Can't even imagine what him and Gabriel would do together :)

Give that sweet boy a hug from me!

Blessings today :)

Jennifer said...

He is so beautiful.

Barry and Amy said...

Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!

Lisa said...

Watch out Tyson Beckford, you have some up and rising competition!!! What a cutie pie!!! Love the hat, too!

Pedro and Felis Patlan said...

Wow! So darn CUTE!!! Amy GREAT pics! The Camera sure loves him. :o) You have truly been blessed!

The gFamily said...

He defines the word CUTE!! I don't think I have seen anything cuter, ever!! He is yours, and you are so blessed!!

Kelli said...

Oh my gosh how handsome is that little dude!!! Precious!

Created For His Glory said...

Does he like older women? I have a four year old I need an arranged marriage for! LOL!
Kim :)

Anonymous said...

Precious, Precious, Precious!

That is all!

Chantelle said...

I thought of Tyson too and thought "This kid is gonna SO 'out gorgeous' HIM!!!" :)

He is STUNNINGLY adorable. ADORABLE!!!

A D O R A B L E!!

Amy said...

He is a great little guy! Would love to know what he is thinking. :)

Andrea Hill said...

OMG Amy, I bet that little guy steals everyone's heart including your whole family. What a handsome. And what's up with those cool heads? Where do you buy them?

Serena Morrow said...

He may be unbelievably adorable but he doesn't have me fooled. I know a stinker when I see one! I miss kissing his soft little cheeks. I miss all of you so much!

angie said...

What a little cutie!!!!

Valerie said...

Aww, he's so cute! I love the hat.

StressedBlessed Mom in GA said...

How cute is he! I only have girls, maybe I need to reconsider. Love the series of shots, too. Thanks for sharing your love.

Debbie T said...

He SOO knows how to work the camera! What a little doll - love the hat! hugs, DebbieT

Chelsea said...

He's ridiculous.
So cute!

Kimmie said...

What a beautiful little man, in that so cute hat and what a very proud Mama.

mama to 7
one homemade and 6 adopted

~ Lisa @ AbidingThere~ said...

Oh he is so very yummy!

Bethany said...

He is absolutely adorable!! :)

Doreen said...

ok Amy Kaden is a SUPER STAR!!!:O))

Michelle Riggs said...

Oh my goodness he makes me want to adopt again.

Phyllis said...

Oh yes, I definitely need to come down there and see you guys again and get me some Kaden time :) He's so gorgeous!

Laurel said...

Too cute!

Hope you all are doing well ... thinking of you and praying for you.

mama of 13

darci said...

oh my, he is SO cute!

Melissa said...

Darling pictures of a darling boy! You are blessed to be his mama and the one who owns his heart.

Anonymous said...

Sooo cute! Can't believe that he is even a bit ornery! I think you tell stories. Can't wait to meet him this summer.


Milk Mama said...

Gosh he's cute!!!!!!!! Be still my heart!