Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Don't sweat the small stuff...

I just adore little boys. I love how they are so laid back about life... how they could have a frog in one hand and a sandwich in the other and think nothing of it. I love how instead of bothering themselves with going to get a tissue- they just use their sleeve instead. I so wish I could be that relaxed about life!
Today, I asked my precious, laid back, not a care in the world, son- Kallan- (age 12) to hang up his clothes. And this is what I found hanging in his closet...

Hey, it's better than the floor I guess... ????


Lisa said...

LOVE the pink hanger! (After I finally figured out what it was! LOL)

James 1:27 Family said...

Awesome! I have 3 boys and no girls... so far. Thus, I have closets full of shirts that look just like that. So funny. One of my son's names is Kellen. That made me giggle. Thanks for sharing!

BTW... I'm "stealing" your Gandhi, etc. quotes from your sidebar for my blog. Is that OK?

Many blessings to your sweet family.

Love in Jesus,
Amy in Atlanta

Leah Maya Benjamin said...

Too funny such a boy, or really a kid. I am so so sorry to hear about the fabulous 4, for some reason I have not been able to view your blog with my lovely dial up, it just broke my heart for those poor kids who didn't ask to be given the life they were given, I'm glad they had you and your family for at least a short time to see what love is.

Anonymous said...

I have an 11 y/o son. Who hangs clothes up the SAME way! He also tries to hang up pants on a shirt hanger! BOYS! Gotta love em!

KelseyChristine said...

haha I think I have a few shirts hanging just like that in my closet...and I don't even have an excuse since I'm a girl!

Holly said...

Maybe THAT is why God gave me two sons and only one daughter (so far)...because I am wound too tightly. Hmmmmmmm. Frog in one hand, sandwich in the other........I am having stress just imagining it! And yet God created them to be wired differently than us...which is a good thing. Thanks for the reminder!

Michelle said...

That is a very familiar scenario in my house

Andrea Hill said...

So true. I am really looking forward to raising a boy since they are so easy going.

Sara said...

Looks all too familiar at our house! I keep thinking year after year that it will improve, but it doesn't...one of those things I just let go of:)

Bonky's Mom said...

I agree...boys are awesome!

Ben, Angie & the greatest kids :-) said...

LOL!! Ben and just roared when we read this and looked at the pictures! Our almost 12 year old Braeden always did the same thing! I've got him retrained for now...


sarah bess said...

He is so darn cute.

kim p said...

This made me laugh. : ) I'm glad to know Taylor's not abnormal after all. I appreciate your perspective!

Farmboy and Buttercup said...

Ah.....I totally get it. Sometimes, I do sweat the small stuff, but thanks for reminding me to keep perspective. Yes, my 13 and 9 yr olds both "hang" that way, but their 5 yr old does a pretty decent job.

Michelle Riggs said...

Abby said. He is cute!