Sunday, February 15, 2009

When you leave your little guys at home with your big guys- you just never know what they are going to do when they get bored. So, today I found these pictures on my camera. When I asked them what they were about they explained to me that they thought Kaden looked like 'Waldo' from the "Where is Waldo books" in his pj's so they thought they would create a blog post for me (since I haven't been exactly faithful about blogging often lately) and see if you all could find Waldo. So, here it is- courteous by my older kids.
Where is Waldo???

All I can say is I am soooooooo glad I found him! Because I am pretty sure he is the cutest 'Waldo' I have ever seen in my life!


Amy said...

He makes a very cute Waldo! Older siblings are great!

Debbie T said...

totally agree...most adorable "Waldo" ever!!! And great post, big guys! :)

Ben, Angie & the greatest kids :-) said...

Love it Amy!! That is the most beautiful part of a big family isn't it? We need those big kid sense of humor moments in our day :-)

Ben, Angie & the greatest kids :-) said...

Love it Amy!! That is the most beautiful part of a big family isn't it? We need those big kid sense of humor moments in our day :-)

Andrea Hill said...

Wow, your little guy is so stinkin handsome. I want to steal him. He is really photogenic too. I am glad you gave him the spotlight today, I missed seeing his pics. Glad they had so much fun with him.

Anonymous said...

I love his crazy toe!

Angela :-) said...

Oh my gosh, that fruit picture almost made me laugh out loud! I can imagine the fun they all had setting this up.

Tell them thanks!

Angela :-)

Jennifer said...

He is most definitely cuter then Waldo himself. What inventive kids you have, and a cooperative "Waldo"!

Pam said...

Wow, he IS a cute Waldo!! Love it!

The gFamily said...

Hubby and I were cracking up over this post! Hilarious!! He is the cutest Waldo I have ever seen!!

Carey said...

Cutest Waldo I've ever seen!

Ann said...

I LOVE the where is Waldo post! Your kids did a GREAT JOB! You need to let them have the camera a little more often. :)

Unknown said...

How clever of your kids to set all that up! He is really cute!

Doreen said...

TOO CUTE and FUN!! doreen

Kimberly said...

He is absolutely the cutest Waldo out there! The banana pic was my favorite!

TheHappyNeills said...

cutest post ever!