Here is a picture of one of the original stove in a home they were in today. The biggest problem with this stove is the smoke from the wood that fills up the room often causing respiratory problems for the family.
Working on a new stove...
The new stove... much better ventilation. :)
This new stove now belongs to some of the kids from our Manna Feeding Program... aren't they precious?
One of their neighbors were also blessed...
The team praying over their home...
This little girl was so excited to receive a bible... two days in a row now that I have cried (happy tears).
May you always cherish that Bible little one... and may you grow to know the one who loves you more than anything in this world. :)

4 comments: is precious to see what God is doing. I was sitting down today writing/pondering and I uttered out aloud not sure where it came from...
"God, help me in my job situation and freelance writing...the first int'l trip I hope to take is to Guatemala to "Back the Blocks." I had thought about it a lot, but it just came gushing out of me :)
I feel like I carry your family in my heart. I can't give right now, but I am praying and loving your family from my heart. lol :)
What an amazing and yet practical way to show the love of Christ!
Thank you, Amy, for sharing this.
What a great blessing to those families. The girl with the bible so precious
this is so amazing! God is so so good and this post just makes my heart smile. What a huge blessing to those families. Thank you for sharing.
Much love to you all!
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