that we have been filling over the past few weeks and praise God for the so many blessings He has given us.
As I reflect over these past few weeks of giving thanks I am reminded of what an awesome God we serve. And I am reminded that God doesn't just bless us so that we can count them all- He blesses us so that we can in return bless others.
Because that is how God works my friends- through us.
This reminds me of the bible verse in Luke(12:48)"For everyone to whom much is given, of him shall much be required." The part that we sometimes tend to forget.
If you have been around this blog for any length of time you probably remember me mentioning one of the little ones residing at Eagles Nest named Victoria...
Victoria is 11 months old and has lived at Eagles Nest since she was a couple of days old. Victoria was born without her left ear and only has a partial right. She has no ear canals so her hearing is limited to vibrations. Victoria also has cataracts in her eyes and at this point has only partial site. She was blessed to be able to go to the states the past couple of months on a medical visa and receive treatment for her eyes and an evaluation on her ears. What they discovered was that Victoria needed a special hearing aid device called the BAHA-- and if we were able to get it for her her hearing would improve drastically.
We were further blessed to find out we would be able to get those hearing aids for $4,800 which is an unheard of cost for this set of equipment.
Awesome right?
Only $4,800. (Ugh)
Um, problem is, an orphan and an orphan ministry usually doesn't have that kind of cash laying around. And so, we all began to pray and God began to answer those prayers...
and $2,200 has already been raised. :) We are blown away.
God sent us here to be His hands and tell others about Him... even those who cannot autobily hear His words. I'd love to be able to help Victoria hear those words... to hear "He loves you so much my child... so much so that He was willing to give His all for you."
I know the holidays are approaching and it's an expensive time of the year, but if God lays it on your heart to help Victoria get her hearing aids we would love appreciate your help more than you could possibly know.
And if you are not able to give- perhaps you too could be her voice and tell others about her need. Perhaps you could pass the plate at Thanksgiving asking your family members to help out.
Perhaps you could tell your Sunday School class, your co workers or anyone else you know about a little girl named Victoria who needs our help.
Or perhaps for that hard to buy for person this Christmas-a donation could be made in their name. (I won't be able to get pictures of Victoria with her hear aids on though until after Christmas since she wouldn't have them before).
So I challenge you.... as you sit down tomorrow surrounded by family and friends and thank God for your blessings would you remember those who are not as fortunate? Would you pray for Victoria? Would you tell others about her and would you consider blessing someone else out of the blessings you have been given?
To help Victoria get her hearing aids you can give HERE: Just click donate and then email me at so I know the donation was for Victoria. Thank you so much.
Happy Thanksgiving. I am thankful for you.

praying for hearts to be opened, and wallets for this sweet little girl! Praying for you all!
Same here. I pray that Victoria will be another of praise and honor for God. Not only will wallets open, but Victoria will experience God's love in healing.
Love you and your family Amy! Just donated, but wishing now I had spent even less on Thanksgiving food...thank you for keeping these precious ones at the center of my attention when it is so easy to forget that even the traditions I have here could be scaled down even more in order to bless someone else. Praying for this sweet girl!
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