because it allows me to talk to them online and see their precious faces. Not quite as good as seeing them in person- but it certainly helps. 26 more days till I get to see them with no computer screen required. Not that I am counting the days or anything. ;)

AMEN!!! LOVE IT TOO- with Jason's family in England :)
If you have already gotten the same message, delete this one. Amen sister. I am so agreeing with you. As much as I have cursed modern technology and the times it takes us away from God, this Skype thing is the best. That is how I have communicated with Danica since she left for Germany. If I didn't have Skype, I probably would have gone over there and pick her up by now:) Glad your babies are coming so soon. That will be so special. Mine is coming in 22 days.
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