Today I am so thankful for the miracle of adoption. Thankful for this absolutely amazing, life changing experience. Thankful that the Lord entrusted me to parent and love five precious children that didn't grow in my belly but grew in my heart. I cannot image our lives without them. Each one of them have a story and written all over their stories are the fingerprints of God. A God who is loving, a God who is compassionate and a God who always keeps His promises...
I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you. John 14:18
If you are a Christian than you too have an adoption story. A story of how God came, picked you up, held you close and gave everything He had to give you life- eternal life. A story of love, a story of sacrifice and a story of redemption.
Adoption is a beautiful example of our love that reflects His.

Love you, friend! Sweet pic!!
They are simply beautiful!! Perfectly and wonderfully made!
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