Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Meeting Kaden!!

It's official- I am in love!!! He is awesome, funny, smart, sweet, full of energy and makes me smile so big my lips hurt! We spent about 2 hours with him tonight at his foster home, tomorrow we get to take him for about 3 hours in the afternoon. I cannot wait.


Jenny said...

Oh...my baby boy!!!! You are beautiful....I'm glad you're good at talking on the phone!!!! Titi loves to talk! Love you!!!!!!!!

Michelle Riggs said...

Kaden is gorgeous! I am so happy for you all. I can't wait to meet him.

Angel said...

AMY! AMY! AMY!!!!! HE IS BEYOND PRECIOUS!!!! I am sooooo excited. I have internet in my hotel room so I can still stalk your blog while I am gone. HE IS GORGEOUS!!! WHAT A DOLL! We were at Sea World and I kept checking the time guessing where you were. I LOVE his smile. That boy has a fun twinkle in those eyes. I just can't WAIT to meet him. I think he and Kaiya are going to be adorable together. Think we should just betroth them now? ;0) YAY!!! I bet you sleep like a rock tonight and dream of that sweet little cutie. Hugs, Angel

Instantly Mama said...

Awwww! He is just too adorable! Congratulations! :)

Recovering Noah said...

Oh my goodness! What a sweetie. He is beyond cute!!! I was so hoping you'd post pictures. I'm so excited for your and the family. Cannot wait to meet him!


C said...

Holy hooch! He's just YUMMY!

Oh, how I remember the transition visits. So wonderful, yet so gut wrenching to have to leave everyday.

Praying that he adjusts well, and the time goes quickly for you!

Cliff and Tami said...

Amy - What a handsome little guy! Am so happy for your family!


Bingaling said...

He is adorable! How could you not fall totally in love with that little boy?!?!
Congrats! Can't wait for Monday!

Cherie said...

Congratulations on the new blessing!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, what a DOLL! He is just precious, Amy! Can't wait to see and hear more! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

wow what an adorable baby boy!
I'm so happy for you all. Can't wait to give him a hug!


Anonymous said...

Oh Amy...he is beautiful! I can see why you are in love!! He looks like he has a super fun personality, too. Hope you all have a great week with him. Wish we were there to meet him, too!

Amy said...

He is one handsome little guy! May your time together be very special and blessed by the Lord as He has brought you together.